Chapter 50: 3-23

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In the shower at school, Dr. Deaton removes the Nogitsune flies from the twins and Isaac by sticking his fingers down their throat and removing them by hand.

"At least he wore gloves" Isaac laughed nervously.

Deaton says there are now two Stiles' and one of them took Lydia Martin. Melissa gives Stiles a medical exam as he is resting on Scott's bed. She checks his pupil reactions with a penlight and reluctantly holds his wrist to check his pulse. She says Stiles seems normal physically but he is concerned that he's not really himself. Scott helps Stiles downstairs where Noshiko Yukimura is waiting. Kira rushes in and tells her mom to stop but it's too late. Two Oni appear in the McCall's living room and quickly grab the back of Stiles' neck.

Stiles started to fidget seeing this scene. "You're you again. They won't kill you" Malia said, her words coming out much softer than before. Stiles turned to her and nodded with a small smile, his fidgeting slowly stopping.

The demon's eyes glow firefly yellow and they let go. The Oni vanish as Stiles falls to the ground with the kanji for "self" burned into his neck. Noshiko explains that it is too close to dawn now for the Oni to find the Nogitsune and they won't be active until "tomorrow" night. In the tunnels under the old Oak Creek Internment Camp, Lydia hears the screams of all the people who died there during WWII. Nogitsune taunts her, asking if the voices are telling her that Stiles is dying. She flees down the tunnel seeking an exit but finding none. She defies the Nogitsune saying she won't tell him anything. He says she won't have to because she'll be screaming.

"He is just saying that" Stiles quickly reassured his panicked looking parents. "I hope you are right son" Noah mumbled, squeezing his shoulder.

Noshiko explains the board game "GO" to Kira. Her daughter is frustrated that they are wasting time on a game when life and death hang in the balance. Noshiko points out that it's all just a game to the Nogitsune and that she must learn to play to understand what is going on and save her friends. Deputy Parrish tells the Sheriff to go home but he is waiting for word on Stiles and won't leave. They begin to discuss why the young officer chose to come to Beacon Hills. He says he was "drawn here" and he knew there were openings. Those openings created by Matt's deputy murder spree in. Parrish says he's not worried about the statistics.

"Did he say he was 'drawn' here?" Lydia suddenly spoke up. "I'm sure it's just a figure of speech and nothing more" Allison reassured her. Lydia shook her head, "when is it ever nothing when it concerns Beacon Hills?"

The Sheriff prepares to go home when Stiles and Scott arrive. Father and Son embrace. The sheriff wants to know if it's over. Scott says "not yet." Derek comes to see Chris Argent. He questions why, when the former hunter had the chance, he didn't shoot him. Argent says they're not enemies anymore. He then points out that if the Nogitsune is able to pull off a stunt like having the werewolves go crazy then he will likely be coming for them. The Sheriff is trying to wrap his head around the current situation, wondering what the Nogitsune would need with a Banshee. Stiles speculates that perhaps he needs her talent to find a dead body. The Sheriff turns to Scott saying he got the "whole story" from Noshiko. This triggers Stiles' memory of Meredith talking on a dead phone line at Eichen House. Deputy Parrish calls Eichen House and finds out that "Meredith Walker" is still there but has been moved to the "Closed Unit" because she wouldn't stop screaming.

"Definitely a banshee" Lydia said with a not so impressed look on her face.

At Eichen House, The head orderly, Brunski, opens up the high security area of the facility for the Sheriff. He jokes about quieting Meredith with Haldol but when they make it to her cell they find she's turned the tables, injected the orderly with the drug, and escaped.

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