Chapter 27: 3-1

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An unidentified young woman revives an unconscious Isaac Lahey using a car battery and jumper cables. His body is covered in bloody slashes. There are also deep punctures in his neck. The girl explains that it's "from their claws" and that it's how they share and steal memories.

"Holy crap what the fuck happened to you!?" Scott asked with slacked jaws. "I would say I got jumped by something" Isaac pointed out. "Things" Erica corrected referring to the unknown woman's words.

She manages to get Isaac onto a motorcycle and races off into the night. Isaac says he hears someone coming and we see two shadowy figures on foot gaining on the bike. Two men, identical twins, slash and grab for Isaac, their eyes glowing the red of Alpha werewolves.

"Twin Alpha's? Now that's very very rare" Talia said with a raised eyebrow.

The girl manages to elude them briefly by crashing through a large window into a warehouse but then Isaac, close to unconsciousness, overbalances the bike sending them skidding in a shower of sparks.

"Nice way of ruining your way out" Stiles rolls his eyes. "Sorry okay. Next time I'll try not to bleed out and lose consciousness" Isaac threw back in a sarcastic tone.

The twins enter through the broken window. One kneels, the other slams his fist into the kneeling twin's back and the two begin to merge into one giant figure. This new "mega-alpha" stalks toward Isaac growling.

"Okay what is this sorcery!?" Peter yells. "I didn't know you could do that" Derek said, eyes widened in shock. "Did you know mom?" Laura turned to her mother to see that she too was in shock.

The girl pulls a weapon and fires a large projectile into the giant's chest. When it makes contact the creature is consumed in electric current and falls into two distinct individuals who lay twitching on the floor in a blinding flash of electricity.

"Well that was anti climatic" Scott sighed. He was secretly excited to see what the twin menace could do.

In a Tattoo Parlor in another part of town, Stiles jokes that Scott should get a tattoo of a lizard creature that looks suspiciously like the Kanima. He then questions the meaning of his friend's choice to get two simple black bands permanently inked around his arm.

"Oh no way am I letting you get a tattoo" Melissa glared at her son. "Oh don't worry Melissa, it won't last" Talia smirked knowingly.

Scott says he doesn't know why he likes the design but that the act of getting a tattoo has meaning in itself. The tattoo artist then provides a brief history of the art saying it goes back "thousands of years". He explains that the Tahitian word for tattoo means "to leave a mark," like a rite of passage.

"The guy makes it seem like getting a tattoo is like a mark of adulthood" Claudia points out. "In some clans, the tattoo is just that. A sign that means that you are now seen as an adult" Boyd explained.

Once the process begins, Stiles faints.

"Of course I would" Stiles groaned. "Oh don't worry Stiles, not everyone is made to see blood and gore" Laura teased making the boy groan again.

In the Jeep later, Stiles holds an ice pack to his head and Scott's arm is heavily bandaged. He says it burns and the pain becomes so bad he rips off the bandage just in time to see the tattoo fade as his werewolf healing kicks in. Stiles says he hated the tattoo.

"I mean it's just too simple to catch an eye" Isaac said with a shrug.

Lydia and Allison are driving, heading for a "group thing" and, Lydia promises, not a double date. Allison says she's not ready to get back out there and Lydia ridicules her for not dating at all while she was in France for "four months". Allison turns the question back on her asking if she dated after... Lydia cuts her off with a hasty "could you not say his name." They are talking about Jackson and Allison asks if he is okay, if everything worked out. Lydia explains that the doctors looked like total idiots after he turned up alive. She says Derek taught him the Werewolf 101 like how NOT to randomly kill people during the full moon.

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