Chapter 53: 4-1

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A Mexican village sits high atop a mesa in the desert. Stiles and Lydia are walking cautiously through the town discussing "the stupidest plan we've ever come up with" and fearing that someone will get killed.

"Then why do it in the first place!?" Laura shouted.

They approach a doorway but their entry is blocked by two men. Stiles shows a large card with a stylized skull on the front and the two teens are allowed to enter.

"You guys. Went to see. The Calaveras!?" Chris hissed out through gritted teeth. "I guess?" Stiles said, not really sure where they were in the future. Chris sighed and rubbed his face.

They walk down a darkened hallway ending in front of two large wooden doors. They again discuss the foolishness of the plan but press ahead, opening the doors on a packed dance club. The music is loud, the lights are flashing and dozens of people are dancing. Stiles and Lydia are spotted by Severo who alerts someone by walkie-talkie. When the kids approach the bar, they are served two shots – Lydia says they didn't come to drink and drops a brass bullet casing stamped with the stylized skull image into the shot glass.

"That was kinda cool" Stiles said with a grin and Lydia smiled.

Araya is using a small, curved blade as a seam ripper, intently working a piece of cloth as Stiles and Lydia sit quietly on the other side of the table from her. She comments on how Severo hates the music playing in the club but she loves the music of youth primarily due to its "savage energy." Lydia is all business, saying they know Araya has Derek and offering cash for his return. Stiles lays out $50,000 (US) on the table. Araya knows the money is from the stash taken from Silverfinger and says as much. Severo, and two other hunters cock their weapons. Araya says Stiles was not smart to come alone to which he says "what makes you think we came alone?"

"Hell yeah! The whole pack is there!" Allison cheered.

In the club we see Malia is dancing and Kira is sitting along the side of the dance floor.

"Guess we roped you into our group too" Stiles laughed. Malia growled under her breath a little but did not say anything as she did not mind.

Araya is insulted, "You brought a wolf into my home?" Stiles says they brought an Alpha and we see in a darkened corner of the dance floor – Scott is red-eyed and ready.

"I say that was way cooler" Allison grinned and kissed Scott on the cheek.

Hunters with walkie-talkies are searching the dance floor. Kira senses something is wrong and approaches the dancing Malia. Malia says they should blend in and tells Kira to dance with her. Kira is awkward and after a few seconds, Malia grabs the small of her back and pulls her closer. The pair grinds on the dance floor attracting the attention of the other patrons and drawing a small crowd in around them.

"Things are getting a bit hot in there" Laura laughed. Malia just shrugged, seeing nothing wrong in what she was doing, it was just a dance.

Araya says the gang has poor timing and then pontificates about "the dark moon". Lydia explains that it's the part of the lunar phase when the moon is least visible in the sky. Araya wonders if they know what it means. Lydia says it's a time of reflection or grief. Araya seizes on the latter and says she wonders why, when Scott and the rest have suffered so much loss, they would risk it again for someone like Derek. Stiles says it because they don't like to lose.

"You tell em" Scott grinned.

One of the hunters calls on the radio – they are checking in from various points in the club. The front door is clear as is the south section but there is no answer from the hunter stationed at the north end. Scott picks up the unconscious hunter's walkie-talkie and says "Stiles, take 10 off the table."

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