Chapter 58: 4-6

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"Four Weeks Ago" Kate Argent awoke in the back seat of her car. Noticing static playing from the radio she pushed the knob. A cassette tape ejected from the Kenwood deck. The words "PLAY ME" were hand-written in ink on the label. Kate placed the tape back in the deck and a cultured radio-announcer voice said the following –

"...eventually settling in a small town in Northern California, this family used their wealth to rebuild the community around them while remaining isolated from it. This was sometimes more a choice than a necessity as not all of their children would become werewolves. The ones that did, these born wolves, had to be trained. They needed to learn control. They had a practice for the training of betas, a tradition passed down through generations, it involved the use of a sacred object called 'a triskelion'. Without control, violence – extreme violence, is inevitable."

"So someone informed Kate about this Triskelion it seems" Chris mumbled to himself.

Weeks later – Kate is covered in blood amid wrecked motorcycles, burning cars, and torn bodies. One of the Berserkers holds a bleeding man aloft while Kate questions him about "who pays the bills" and the "mixtape" she received. Because, while no one seems to know who is pulling the strings, Kate believes the assassins each got a tape too. The man says he did not but says a couple who look like "teenagers" got one. He says they're called "the orphans."

"'The Orphans' sound so stupid" Stiles mumbled and shook his head.

One of the not-so-dead bodies fires a gun into Kate's back. She walks over with shotgun drawn to shoot the man but she loses control, transforms and claws him to death. She then turns on the man being held by the Berserker. He begs for his life but she rips him up too.

"So all that has changed is that she now has claws and fangs" Peter growled.

Coach tells members of the lacrosse team they cannot enter the locker room after the scrimmage game due to the crime scene inside. He also tells them that they should call the police if they see Garrett and then tell him that he's off the team. Liam comes around the corner and sees Scott McCall talking to his father. Agent McCall apologizes for not being at the game. He says he promised Melissa McCall that he would be around so she could take some extra shifts at the hospital. Scott says it's okay because he's "here now."

Rafael and Scott smiled at each other.

Deputy Parrish walks a handcuffed Violet from the scene. She notices his name and calls him "Jordan Parrish," connecting his last name to one of the targets on The Dead Pool list. He corrects her with an emphasis on his title "Deputy Parish." Violet eyes Scott on her way past. The Sheriff stops and shows Scott's dad the thermal-cut wire Violet used on her victims. The FBI agent seems to recognize it. Liam tells Scott that Kira took off after learning about the second half of the Dead Pool. Scott understands this is because her mother is on the list. Liam worries that he might be on the, as yet, unknown third part of the list. Agent McCall confronts Violet saying they've got a file of more than a dozen murders in which the weapon was a thermal-cut wire. She claims she doesn't know anything about it, claiming she just goes to school here. McCall says maybe they should call her parents but then admits he knows she doesn't have parents, "That's why they call you 'the orphans'."

"Oh" Stiles facepalms.

McCall tells the Sheriff they need to find her boyfriend. Sheriff Stilinski asks Coach for their lockers and says he'll need bolt cutters. On the exam table at Beacon Hills Animal Clinic, the Devenford Prep lacrosse player, Brett Talbot is convulsing and spewing yellow foam from his mouth. Dr. Deaton explains about the Wolfsbane poisoning and says Stiles Stilinski and Derek must hold him very still. He needs to make an incision in his chest and if they don't hold him still he could die. Stiles cracks that Derek Hale use some "werewolf strength" to help hold him down. Derek, who appears to be struggling with the boy, says he's not the only one in the room with werewolf strength, pointing out that Brett is a werewolf as well. Just as Deaton begins to cut, Brett breaks free and rushes toward the exit. He is punched into unconsciousness by Peter Hale who cracks that "I guess I still have a little werewolf strength myself." Derek thinks he has more than a little. Derek notices that his arm, where Brett scratched him during the struggle, is not healing.

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