Chapter 42: 3-15

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Agent McCall is managing a secure patient transfer to Beacon Hills Hospital and tells the ambulance driver to go around back and to keep quiet about the identity of the patient.

"Must be one hell of a dangerous guy if you are keeping him this hushed" Noah muttered to Rafael.

Inside the emergency waiting area, Melissa McCall is adjusting a jack-o'-lantern when she catches sight of her ex-husband and Sheriff Stilinski on a collision course. Stilinski is livid and says the FBI can't bring the patient inside the hospital. He says they'll have to take him elsewhere but Agent McCall says no other hospital will take him, all claiming they are over capacity and can't handle another surgery. The patient is rolled in past the McCalls and the Sheriff; we see his feet and arms are strapped down with thick padded cuffs of leather. Melissa realizes that she will have to do his pre-op interview.

"William Barrow!?" Rafael sucked in a breath. Noah and Melissa shivered, knowing why exactly this lunatic was arrested. "Why was he arrested?" Stiles asked. "He blew up a fully loaded bubs of kids" Rafael said making the teens gulp.

In the school locker room, Stiles is lurking with a flashlight while talking to Scott on the phone. It's fifteen minutes after midnight, officially Mischief Night or "Mischief Night/Day," and Stiles says it is a tradition to prank Coach Finstock. October 30th is also Coach Finstock's birthday. Stiles is frustrated that Scott isn't there yet. Scott claims to be in bed already but then suddenly appears behind Stiles with eyes aglow, frightening him badly.

"Great. Scott has learned how to pull a Derek" Stiles rolled his eyes.

Agent McCall warns his ex-wife about the patient she is about to meet. He was a former electrical engineer who decided to walk onto a school bus with a shrapnel bomb. Four of the students on the bus died, another lost his legs. The patient allegedly says that if he gets out he will do it again and next time he's going to get it right.

"At least he is dedicate" Isaac said with a weak laugh.

The "Pre Operative Questionnaire" Melissa is holding says "Name: William Barrow - Date of Birth: 05/24/60 – Height: 6ft 2in – Weight: 155lbs" and includes spaces for blood pressure readings as well as a number of rote questions about other issues. Melissa reads from the form asking if Barrow understands that scar tissue has formed around a piece of shrapnel that "remains in your body from a previous injury and that it is now blocking vital functions?" She then explains that they will put him under general anesthesia "tomorrow morning" for the surgery to remove the obstruction. Instead of answering her questions, Barrow asks if the kids still pull pranks the day before Halloween. Melissa calls it Mischief Night but Barrow says where he's from it was known as "Hell Night."

"Maybe because in older times, people thought that demon's walked the earth on this night and the dead came back to have their revenge or something" Lydia mumbled.

She then lists off the medications he is taking "Temazepam" (treats insomnia) and Divalproex (treats seizures and manic episodes). When she leans in to listen to his heart, he leans up and says "why don't you just ask the question you really want to ask?" Melissa asks why he attacked the bus and Barrow explains that he saw the children's eyes glowing then begins to rave and scream.

"Glowing eyes? You don't think" Laura looked to Derek who nodded, thinking along the same lines as his sister.

Scott and The Twins arrive at school on their motorcycles at the same time. Scott wonders if they've reenrolled but they've just come to ask to join his pack. Stiles thinks this is a bad idea and Isaac agrees pointing out they held Derek while Kali impaled Boyd on his claws.

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