Chapter 43: 3-16

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Neighborhood kids are smashing jack-o-lanterns on Halloween night. Suddenly a skein of five Demon Warriors appears out of the mist. They pass the children by without a glance.

Chris narrows his eyes at the sight of the demons.

Isaac lies shaking on the floor in Allison's room. He is freezing. Allison and her father find him and Chris punches him until Isaac's werewolf side triggers and begins the healing process.

"I have this feeling that the punches were less for my help and more cause I almost made out with his daughter" Isaac muttered to Stiles who snorted.

As Isaac explains about the Demon Warriors - they wore black, greenish yellow eyes "like a firefly," and came out of the shadows - realization dawns on Chris' face. He asks Isaac and Allison to keep the attack quiet for 24 hours. Chris believes the creatures might have been after him.

"And why would they be after you dad?" Allison asked curiously.

He goes to his room and retrieves a wooden box, inside we see one of the Demon's Hannya broken into pieces.

"That would be a good reason" Stiles points out and Allison sighs.

Agent McCall attempts to question Stiles, Scott, Lydia, and Kira about the incident at the power plant. A funny scene follows as Stiles continues to one-up Scott's dad while Sheriff Stilinski attempts to hide his amusement.

"I would have laughed too if it wasn't such a serious time" Rafael chuckled.

Agent McCall then recounts the events of, adding a one detail that wasn't readily apparent at the time – someone left the message for William Barrow on the blackboard in the chemistry classroom. As the questioning goes nowhere, the Sheriff sums up the situation saying that the kids were in the right place at the right time and Kira is alive because of them. Kira asks for her phone back but Agent McCall takes it as evidence.

"Why would that be evidence? All he used it for was taking a picture. Plus I think you already have his fingerprints if that was the reason for confiscating the phone" Stiles asks. "He might have called whoever sent him after Kira. Just being cautious" Rafael said with a small smile.

Agent McCall confronts his son saying that he doesn't know why they are lying. He warns Scott that someone was not only helping Barrow but was controlling him which, he says, is far worse than a mass murderer on his own.

"I can't not agree with that" Noah sighs.

In her room, Kira lights a candle. She then takes a selfie in the mirror. The image shows she is surrounded by, what appear to be, flames.

"That is so cool! Why do kitsunes glow like that while in picture when wolves just get a bad glare" Laur sighed out loud.

The power is still out the next day at Beacon Hills High School. Class is still in session though as Coach Finstock reminds everyone via bullhorn. Stiles knocks his keys from his locker onto the floor. We can see he has a green aluminum bottle opener as a key chain. He notices one specific key, staring at it until Scott arrives. He stops Scott from walking right up to Kira suggesting that he steer clear until they know that she isn't "another psychotic monster that's going to start murdering everybody."

"I think it's safe to say that she isn't like that" Lydia points out. Stiles shrugged, "Our hot English teacher turned put to be a psychopath" he said. Lydia was about to say something when she stopped and thought about what e said and sighed.

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