My Best Friends Dad Has a Good Taste in Clothing

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Hello again! Hope you enjoy some more Germany time! Now in Poland's POV!


Poland's POV:

"Of course. What about?" Germany asks, putting his phone in his pocket. "Well I And many others wanted to ask if you were ok." I say. "Why would I not be ok? What made you think I wasn't ok?" He asked, getting only slightly defensive.

"It's just, we know your family is going through a lot right now and we just wanted to check with you because you've been a bit finicky as of late." I say as calmly and smoothly as possible.

"What do you mean by finicky?" He asked sitting down on the couch. I follow suit; sitting next to him. "Well, you're acting a little bit different than normal. You are more snappy and you don't respond to messages. You're being pretty passive aggressive and we just wanted to make sure you're ok. That's all. We do care about you, you know." I say.

He takes a breath and rubs his temples. "I apologize for my rude behavior. I've just had so much to think about. I have work for UN, work for EU, work for the people, work for the Olympic Games coming up and now I have to deal with my father coming back. I don't know what to think about and it's becoming a bit too much to deal with." He said.

"It's ok. We figured that's what it was. Is there anything I can help with? Maybe a walk will get your mind off some things." I suggest. "Yeah that sounds nice. I'm on break anyways." He said. "We should stop by the main house. I need to drop off a shoe box." He said as he walked down the hall into his room. He came out a second later with a jacket and an old shoe box.

"What's in there?" I ask. "Things I spent too long looking at. They are umm...special items one could say." He said walking to the door. "Ok then. You don't have to tell me." I say.

We walked out of the house and it was quite nice. It was cold but not too much. No wind or falling snow. Just what has fallen before. The sun peeked through the clouds and it was very peaceful. Soon we arrived at the German household.

We walk in and shut the door. Second wasn't there to greet us, thank heaven. I followed him up to his old room and he put the box on his bed. "I should probably separate this stuff." He said to himself. "Why?" I ask. "Well half of it belongs to my father. He would want it back." He said.

He then opened the box and started to sift through it. Taking out an item here and there. "Ok these are his." He said pointing to a small batch of things. He picked them up and left the room. Then he walked a little ways down the hall and stopped at a door. "Poland, can you do me a favor and open that door for me. I'm out of hands." He said. "Sure." I say. I grab the door handle a twist. I have never seen this room before. It's always been locked but the door easily budges and I push open the door.

This was not what I was expecting.

Soviet's POV:

We were back at the house now. The walk was nice and we had a good talk with a lot of laughs. I think he's a bit more comfortable now. He's even making eye contact.

"Sorry to ruin the good feelings we're having but in order to stick to schedule and to not have Egypt slit my throat you need to have your wings cleaned." I say. He groaned immediately. "She'll kill you too, you know. She doesn't like you." I say. "Soviet, no one likes me. If you're going to say something; let it be something I don't already know." He said looking at me with ruby eyes in an expression that looked more concerned than offended.

We do eventually get to the bathroom. "Ok. Have you ever had someone clean your wings for you or do I need to walk you through this one?" I ask. "Better question, do you know how to clean someone's wings?" He asked. "Indeed I do. Kazakhstan has wings. I had to help him all the time." I say. That seemed to convince him.

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