Catching the demon

555 15 10

Modern &  Demons AU

Tw: Blood


Do you believe in spiritualism? Spirits, things that a normal human being cannot see... In those days, it was surely preferable to answer no if one did not want to be considered an idiot or a fool. Well, that was mostly the opinion of society, but how was it really? How would someone react if there was a chance that all these mysterious occurrences were real? Unfortunately, this person would have to know all the secrets of this world to be able to express his impression and there didn't seem to be any...

Or maybe not.

Somewhere, in a small town called Oletus, there was a university, a place full of young people gathered there to study and other shenanigans. In this crowd of different faces, there was one young man who blended in quite well. His name was Aesop Carl, tall, slender, pale skinned... He could almost be mistaken for a doll. Nevertheless, his existence was much more complex than a piece of cloth and cotton assembled together.

Indeed... The grey-eyed young male with the thick glasses was currently the best one to turn to if you wanted to take a look at the other hidden side unseen by human vision. Why? Simply because the young man was a demon himself. A supposedly monstrous creature feeding on the blood of its victims without showing an ounce of mercy. Of course, half of these things were wrong.

First of all, no matter which way you looked at it, Aesop Carl looked like a normal student, maybe with slightly darker circles than average because of the many all-nighters he had to pull in order to finish the assignments given by his teachers. Anyway, all this to say that he was not ugly as the legends spoke about demons. As for the part where he feasted on the blood of his prey, it was half true, sure he was satiating himself with this scarlet fluid but he was getting it properly, if you could really call it that, from a supplier that only a demon could know existed.

And speaking of feeding... The young demon was currently facing a problem.

Aesop always kept a blood pouch in his bag that he would take out to feed himself once he was out of sight, except that this time the item had disappeared from his bag, completely vanished. There was only one possible explanation, someone had stolen it. But who? Who would have fun going through someone else's bag in the first place and steal such a thing? Has his true nature been discovered? No way. He had been extremely discreet about it so he doubted that was the case.

And if it was indeed the case, it was extremely strange that there were no rumors about him or anything. Anyway, the only thing that mattered right now was finding the culprit. He hadn't eaten anything in a few days because he was too focused on his work and he was now paying the consequences by starving. It wouldn't bother him so much if he didn't have a strong urge to bite every student who passed by him in the corridors. Damn it, why did it have to be now?

Fortunately, despite all the crowd, there was still a slight trace of an unfamiliar smell emanating from his bag, surely the thief. So the demon was now walking up the stairs to the roof after following the scent of the scoundrel. When he finally reached the top, he violently opened the door, his hands resting on his knees and his breathing heavier than usual. Aesop was a demon who had grown up almost like a human, so he was not as strong and powerful as one who lived in the demonic world.

His strength was therefore quite limited or even weaker than the norm and getting up here was a real ordeal. After a few moments and his breath calmed down, he looked around briefly to see if anyone was there. He gasped slightly when he saw a pair of legs sticking out in a corner and then rushed in that direction, coming upon a familiar face. Hazel brown hair, beaming blue eyes... Eli Clark. Another student he had many classes in common with and had also sometimes teamed up with for assignments. The dark-haired man was sitting against the wall, his legs stretched out on the floor and in his hands, the very blood pouch that Aesop had been looking for from the beginning!

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