Not without you

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Okay so, if this fic sounds funny at some time that's because I tried to add a poetic device named the iambic/trochaic pentameter for fun bc I'm a nerd english degree student


His hand attained the door and stopped lifeless, a yawn escaping his mouth as he finally pushed it open and entered. His arms, legs, everything just felt so sore. He didn't know who the hell was in charge of making the schedule for the matches everyday but he had a thing or two to tell that person for having the great idea of giving him one so late. The night was made to sleep, not run breathlessly around a map to decode some cipher machines.

At last, now he finally got to his room. His eyes took some time to get used to the dark as he didn't switch on the lights. They wandered a bit around when they saw more clearly then fell upon the frame of another man. A smile crooked up on his lips and he walked closer to the sleeping beauty before sitting on the edge of the bed.

Somehow, good thing was he was not wifeless. He laughed. Aesop Carl, such an incredible individual. When Eli arrived at the manor, never had he ever thought that they would end up in such a relationship. There was the matter of his fiancée at first, but the woman eventually sent him a letter after a few months of stay, informing him that she couldn't bear waiting for him anymore. That was quite a shock when it happened and that was also when he learnt that letters sent from the manor never came home.

And then, in him, a bud happened to bloom. He didn't know how but after having lost Gertrude to this place, he felt a strange feeling. He had no more bonds to the outside world now and was simply wandering as a lost soul in some godforsaken manor. For quite some time, he just went along the rules and participated in the matches without saying a word, like a ghost.

That's when Aesop had grabbed his eyes' concerns. His dull-self naturally associated itself with the embodiment of death's admirer. At first, he didn't think much of the Embalmer, he didn't hate him, nor did he like him. But seeing the man so devoted to his work while in the matches caught his interest. He found himself looking at him more often, almost every time he could after some time, then eventually succeeded in befriending him.

Nothing at first, strangers, then friends, then lovers. It was quite unbelievable for those around them when they officially became a couple and both still had a hard time to recognize the fact too. Nonetheless, that was already two years ago and things were quite peaceful now, just as the sleeping face of the gray-haired man, lying comfortably in bed with his star pattern blue pajamas. 

Watching his facial features, his chest just burns. There were no words to describe how much he loves that man now. If Aesop wasn't sleeping right now, he would have probably stolen a kiss. Instead, he respected his privacy and simply brushed the back of his hand against his cheek for comfort. However, he lifted an eyebrow when he saw a pink blush appear.

"You're not sleeping? I told you not to wait for me..."

His eyelids fluttered as deep gray orbs uncovers. The man yawned before raising his hand towards the brown-haired one's and grasping it sofly, bringing it to his lips to place a kiss. Eli blushed a bit before leaning in to put another one on his lips instead now that his lover was finally awake, or wasn't faking sleeping at least.

"The bed is too cold without you so I couldn't sleep..." answered Aesop.

"Was it? I'm here now so you can sleep, hon."

"Not until you lay beside me..."

"Just give me the time to change."

"Hurry up..."

Eli laughed as he looked at Aesop turning to face the wall while tugging on the covers which were thick enough for him not to be cold. The seer gave the embalmer another kiss at the top of his head before heading to the bathroom and putting on his white pajamas which kind of look like a bathrobe. Finally, he laid just behind his lover and passed his arms around his waist, both of them sharing their warmth and falling asleep together on this serene night.

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