My Mistake

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Ha, he was the biggest idiot of them all. How could he do such a thing? He had been very careful though so why did the world have to turn against him at that very moment. Was Aesop going to forgive him? The gray-eyed male was not the type to be very expressive but if there was one thing Eli knew, it was that it was better to avoid angering those who spoke very little.

So he thought, digging inside his head as quickly as possible to find the solution to the problem he had in his hands. The art student had sent him to retrieve something from his apartment in his place since he still had classes unlike the brunet and he absolutely needed it for the end of the day. Unfortunately, clumsy as he was, he had managed to knock over the vase put on the furniture, which then broke in thousand pieces on the floor.

Nothing really serious because he had cleaned everything up but he had still broken something belonging to his lover when he had just come to get some brushes and pencils. What would the other one say to him if he found out? He would notice right away the absence of the vase with his perfectionist nature. In the end, the brunet let out a grunt before leaving the building with the belongings of the grey-eyed one.

Later in the evening, when Aesop returned home, he immediately noticed that something had changed at home. There was a new vase on his cabinet and a huge bouquet of at least fifteen glowing roses was standing beautifully in it. He approached the new decoration and suddenly saw a small card sticking out. He took it in his hands to look at what was written, only one word, " Sorry".

The young man sighed before putting the card back down and pulling out his phone, thinking only of sending a message to the one person who could be behind this whole masquerade.



"You broke the vase, didn't you?"

"So you saw..."

"It's hard not to see it."

"I'm so terribly sorry! I know it was important to you and with my awful clumsiness I caused an irreparable mistake!"

"You... know that it was you who gave it to me...?"


"You didn't have to buy another one, again."

"But I wanted to offer you something else to apologize..."

"Next time come straight to my face instead of sneaking into my house to change the interior design."

"You're the one who asked me to go in the first place!?"

"I know."

Aesop chatted with Eli on the phone a little longer before turning it off and putting it to charge on his nightstand. He took one last look at the bouquet of flowers before going to bed, a smile drawn on his face as he drifted into a deep sleep...

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