< New Year Chapter >

230 13 1

31st December 2005

Rian's POV
I was forced outta my room by Satsuki and Emma.



Satsuki shoved me a bag, with a kimono in it.

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"A-ahhhh!!! This is TOO exposing!!" I whined. Satsuki and Emma are both trying to get the outfit on me. I couldn't just hit them or anything, so eventually they did it.

"Shi chin! Emma! Satsuki chin! Are you guys done??" I can hear Mikey at the door, yelling.

I was so embarrassed with the clothing. I was hiding behind both Emma and Satsuki when heading out of the wardrobe.

"Hey, you look nice." Draken complimented, while Mikey was eyeing me up and down.

"S-stop starin' Mikey, what the fuck...."

"Let's go! We don't wanna be late!" Emma cheered.

We reached the place, I'm in my earplugs of course.

"Shi chin! They got Ema's here!" Mikey cheered, pulling me towards the stall.

"Hey, slow down. It's not going anywhere!"

Satsuki, I, Mikey, Draken and Emma got one Ema for each of ourselves. We got a marker pen to write our wishes and prayers on it.

"Let's go hang it on the shrine!" Emma said, cheerfully.

"Yeah, let's go!"

Mikey was clinging beside me, trying to get a look from my Ema.

"Shi chin, what'd you wrote on your Ema?" He asked.

"Nothing special, don't look!" I rolled my eyes at him, while he took it without me noticing.

"O-oi!! Give it back, you jerk!"

He eyed on it for a bit and gave it back to me. I was utterly confused, but at least he didn't read that out loud.

We hung up our Ema's on the shrine, while we heard

"WAIT FOR MEEEE MY EMAAA!!!" We all turned our heads to the voice. It was Takemitchy.

"What do you mean 'Your Emma'?" Emma looked at him.

"Did you mean this?" Mikey picked up an Ema that was lying on the ground.

"AHHHH Please give it back!!"

"You seem pretty desperate. Here you go!" Mikey handed it to him.

We heard cheerings in the crowd.

"What's going on?"

"10 seconds till new year!!"

"Let's jump together guys!!" Mikey exclaimed while the others agreed.




We all jumped together in unison.


"I hope to be a hero who can save everyone."
-Takemichi Hanagaki.

"I hope that I get to be with my family forever."
-Kiyone Satsuki.

"I hope to get Draken's heart!"
- Emma Sano.

"I hope to get a bike shop on my own, and propose to Emma one day."
- Ryuguji Ken.

"I hope to create a new era with Ken chin and Shi chin!"
- Manjiro Sano.

"I hope things stay like this forever."
- Kiyone Rian.


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