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When I woke up the next day, the first thing I thought of was getting home. For sure I'd be scolded really badly because I forgot to text my dad that I'm spending the night in Alvin's house.

Yes, I still live with my dad even though I'm in college now. The thought of me living alone always scares me. Sometimes I could be bold and independent, but most of the times I always need someone to lean and depend on. It might sound needy but ever since Mom wasn't around anymore, I just couldn't bring myself to be lonely enough.

As for Alvin, his reason for not going to get a dorm is, not having me as his company. He always said that he wanted to do everything with me. Hell, even going to a doctor—he always wanted me to be by his side. So clearly, if I don't want a dorm, he don't want a dorm.

I didn't wait for Alvin to wake up and immediately rushed outside their house. Mrs. Williams was awake early; I bid my goodbye to her as soon as I saw her.

The streets were quiet. No cars were passing by at the moment and I'm running like a track star in a race.

Good thing is my house isn't far from where Alvin is living. That's one of the perks of having a best friend that lives only a few blocks away from you. I passed by the park where I almost died yesterday and no kids were playing yet.

The wind was hitting my face and I was gasping for air really hard as I ran fast through the streets. After minutes of running nonstop, I reached my house. Our old neighbor, Minerva, is watering her plants with a hose. She waved a hand at me and I did the same.

"Morning, Minerva!" I said. "How's your plants?"

"They're growing just like you, little boy," she said with a warm smile on her face then proceeded on watering her plants. It is her daily routine every morning, taking care of her plants like it's her own children.

I went inside my house and Dad was the one who greeted me as soon as I walked into the kitchen. He gave me a sighing look when he saw me. He was preparing breakfast at the moment.

"Dad, I'm sorry. I spent the night on Alvin's and I forgot to text you." I explained when he was about to speak.

"I know, son. Georgia texted me," he said and took his attention back to his cooking.

I tilted my head. "She did?"

"Mm-hmm. The moment you arrived at their house, she texted saying that you'll be spending the night in theirs."

I sighed loudly. "I'm really sorry, Dad." I apologized again while looking at my father and his cooking. He turned to look at me again and nodded his head to the right, indicating a signal.

"Get yourself cleaned up," he said and I rushed to the bathroom. After taking a bath, I went to my bedroom to change clothes and came back downstairs to have breakfast. My sister was awake by the moment I came down and she was sitting on the table already.

"Really, Elliot? Again?" the first thing she said right after she saw me.

I forced a smile on my lips. "Good morning to you too, Clara." I know she's going to scold me again about sleeping in Alvin's house and not informing them.

Yes, I've done it once. Well, actually, twice. Or maybe three times—but it doesn't really matter. When this happens, Clara is always the one to use words on me while Dad is just staying cool with it.

"How many times do we have to tell you—"

"—always update us on whatever is happening. Yes, Clara, I know." I cut her off. "And for your information, it's 'I' not 'we'. Dad doesn't remind me of that kind of thing. It's always you who brags about it."

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