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We stopped by at a fast food diner to have dinner. It was Dad and Claude's idea, not that I was surprised by it.

"Burgers here are literally made of heaven, I'm telling you that." That was Alvin.

"I think you might have mentioned that for the fourth time now." Clara said.

"That's because it's true! This place has the best burgers in town. Back me up here, Elliot."

"Yeah, I agree." I said.

Alvin made a victory pose and we all laughed. The diner was fairly filled with customers. We picked a table near the window and near the counter. Tobias was holding my hand the whole time.

He wasn't planning to let it go.

I wasn't either.

When the waiter came up to us, we placed our orders. Alvin suggested the burger to Claude, well mostly to everyone but Claude was the one who honestly wanted to try the burger. "I assure you, Mr. Antoine, it's definitely worth it."

"We'll see about that," he said.

Dad tapped Tobias. "How have you been, son?"

"I'm very good, thank you. I still have a few sessions to attend, so I'm hoping to be alright for the next few weeks." Tobias said.

"Wait, you're going back to France?" I said.

"Nope. Father and I have decided for me to switch therapists since I believe that I could get better help. Since college is also just a few weeks away from now," Tobias looked at me. "I decided to stay in here."

"That's good." I said. "I mean, not that it's good that you're leaving your homeland again. I meant like it's good to still continue on seeking help."

I would be lying if I said that I didn't expect for Tobias to just smile at me. He also placed a kiss on my temple.

Then the food arrived just in time. We all ended up having the burger that Alvin suggested-also because I missed eating it.

"Oh, shit." Claude said. "It really is good."

Alvin yelped in happiness and kept repeating the "I told you" phrase. Then we all ate our own foods inside this diner that's filled with the smell of burgers and fries.

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