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"Did you really just take my french fries?"


I glared at Clara.

"I didn't!" she said.

"You're the only one beside me!"

"Elliot, I'm not a hungry dog like you to steal other's food."

"That's actually foul, you know."

She just rolled her eyes. I sighed. I ate the burger in front of me instead. Who the fuck steals a french fry?!

The rain still poured since the other day. I don't think there's a storm coming. So I didn't know why it was raining hard like that.

"In approximately 24 hours, a new storm is coming ahead in the state of New Jersey. It is expected to pour down heavy rain in the next few days," the reporter from the television said.

Well shit.

"That's kinda sad." I said. I love the rain. But I don't think I can endure it at all times.

Clara snorted. "Not really."

"You're saying that 'cause you definitively don't have plans."

"And do you?"

I bit on my burger. "Yesh."

"What are these plans?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because I'm your sister?" she said.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm eighteen, Clara. Not thirteen."

"Still doesn't take away my responsibility to look after you."

"That's sweet." I said. "You can stop now."

She shoved me in the shoulder. I did the same. Then she did it again. And I did it again. And she did it again. And then we ended up shoving each other but she was the one who lost and fell out of the couch.

Clara gave me one last shove before flopping herself down to the couch again. We fell silent.

"How is it going on with Emilio?" I said.

Clara shrugged. "Nothing."

"What do you mean nothing?"

"Nothing. As in nada."

"Aren't you two dating?"

She winced. Looks like someone just got dumped like a garbage. "Were," she said. "We aren't seeing each other now."

"Didn't turn out as planned?"

"Nah." She shook her head. "He was a dick."

I scowled. I looked at her. "What the fuck did he do to you?"

"Relax, my knight in shenanigan armor. I'm fine. I was the one who caught him lacking before everything got screwed up."

"You should've told me."

"And what? You beat him up until he bleeds to death?"

I shrugged. "Why not?" That would be fun.

"You're a sociopath." She shook her head.

"You mean a good brother?"


Then we were silent. The rain started getting loud around us. I wonder where Dad could be right now. He's supposed to be at home thirty minutes ago. Maybe he stayed a little bit more on the shop.

I returned my attention to the television. Then my phone buzzed.

'Have u seen the news?' It was Tobias.

I replied. 'yea, shit'

'Looks like we have to stay at home.'

'what abt our date night :(('

I can imagine him smiling to his phone. 'We can reschedule anytime, Elliot.'

'aight fine, stay safe weirdo'

'U too, dork ;)'

I was upset that our "first official date", as we call it, was getting cancelled. Stupid storm. Should've come another time. I guess, the weather is bitter single. But it's there anyway, we'll just wait for another time.

Maybe the storm bought me more time. I could prepare more and make our first official date surely memorable. Yeah, I'd probably do that. I'll make Tobias feel special like he deserved to be.

I grabbed the paper bag to put the trash of our food there. Then I saw the fries inside of it, untouched.


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