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One lazy afternoon I fell asleep thinking about the world's hidden treasures. I woke up finding out that I would never discover the treasures of the world. There was a light directly into me when I opened my eyes.

It wasn't the light that killed my eyes. Instead an assuring one. I didn't know what time it is. I just know it was weekend.

I felt the warm feeling all over my body. On my chest was a hand laying down. I glanced to the hand and to the person that owns it. I smiled.

Tobias looked good even though he was sleeping. Hell, he looked good at every situation. I pulled him close, my arm purposely wrapping around his shoulders.

I stared at him. At his face.

It's the view I'll never get tired off.

His head moved from my arm to my chest. Now both his hand and his head are laying down on my chest, but I didn't mind. I liked sleeping next to him.

The light from the window was from the sun. It wasn't the light that most people hated. It was different.


It was the golden hour.

The golden light hit Tobias' face. Again illuminating his perfect features. His smooth skin was now golden too. I bet his wicked brown eyes would look more detailed if they were open. The orange light made his hair looked slightly brown. The golden illumination made him perfect. He was perfect.

It felt like a golden moment.

He looked golden under the sun.

He was golden.

A golden boy.

He's a golden boy. My golden boy.

"Like what you see?" Tobias suddenly said. He looked at me and smiled.

"Would you believe me if I said I don't?"

"Maybe." He closed his eyes again. "Though that would hurt me a bit."

I laughed. I kissed the top of his head. I ran my hand through his hair. Tobias opened his eyes and stared at me.

"Your hair looks nice," he said.

"Does it?"

He hummed. "It still looked like the first time I've met you." He touched my hair. "I've always wanted to touch your hair."

"Wish granted then."

We laughed. Tobias pushed himself up for a kiss that I responded right away. We kissed under the warm heat and light of the sun. Then he laid down on the top of my chest. I wrapped my arms around him. We stayed in that position. In Tobias' bed, cuddled to each other. Not wanting to move.

We were quiet under the sun.

"Elliot," he said.

"Tobias." I said.

He chuckled. "Can I ask you something?"

I rub my thumbs on his back. "Anything."

"Are you okay with this?"

"What do you mean this?"

"This," he said. "Us."

Us. It's been a while since I've heard the real meaning of us. The us that I was longing to have. The us that I found ridiculous back then.

Am I really okay with it? With Tobias? Us?

"Of course, Tobias." I said. "Why do you ask?"

He pushed himself up, my arms immediately unlocking from his back. He sat beside me and I did the same. He looked at his knuckles and brushed them with his thumb.

"I was the one who kissed you," he said. "I didn't even realize that I've done it without asking you first. At that moment, all I could think about is you. Only you. I felt selfish for kissing you without your consent. I shouldn't have done that. I felt like I forced you to something you didn't want. And I want to just make things clear."

I stared at him. He still looked golden under the orange light. He looked at me.

"I like you, Elliot," he said. "I like you and I'm sorry for kissing you."

And there it was. The confession. The answer to all my questions.

The boy that I like feels the same way.

Whenever I'm with him, I feel like I've discovered every single thing in the universe. I felt like I have completed a quest that I've been taking for years. He made me feel safe. He made me feel comfortable. He made me feel appreciated.

Maybe this was the feeling that Dad felt for Mom. I finally understood Dad's words.

I took his hand and held it. "You weren't selfish, Tobias. I kissed you back. You weren't selfish. You just expressed your feelings in that way. And I'm glad that you did."

I locked my fingers on his hand. I took it to my lips and kissed it.

"Everything in this fucking world that we're living in is weird." I said. "But the only weird thing that I never thought I would like is you. You are weird, and I like that about you. I like you too, Tobias. I like you and that is the one weird thing I could accept."

He smiled. I placed my hand on his cheek in which he leaned onto the touch. I pulled him close and kissed him.

All these moments.

I always thought about exploring the world and finding out its hidden treasures. I paid no attention around, knowing that I didn't want to take away my eyes from my own perspective.

But I'm glad that I did.

I discovered a treasure of the world and it was him. He was the treasure that I needed to seek. And I'm glad I found him.

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