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"Do you remember when your mom used to read you books to bed?"

"Yeah," I said. "And I hated it."

Dad laughed hysterically. "You really don't like books, do you?"

"Nope. Never."

"You know, I used to say I hated baking and cooking too." Dad said.

I looked into my dad's eyes. They were like mine, lightest of blues. But they look tired, the outcome of work and sweat, yet they were still beautiful.

"You hated baking and cooking?" I said.

"So much." Roger said. He slid out from under the car. "Your dad here always complains about it whenever your grandpops assigns him to cook for dinner."

I couldn't imagine him hating the one thing he loved doing while with Mom. When they're in the kitchen together, there are always smiles painted on their faces, like the happiest people in the world.

"Shut up, Roger. You liked my cooking either way." Dad said.

Roger picked a tool from the toolbox, then he slid underneath the car again. "I had two choices, mate; eat or starve. And there ain't no way I'm gonna die starving."

Dad shook his head and laughed. I did too. Sometimes I see myself and Alvin on them. They're just like us, but older and stronger.

Dad turned back to me. "As I was saying" he said. "I did hate cooking so much, yes. But when I do it with your mom, I don't mind all the works and struggles. It's like I forget them all, and all I could just focus on is the cooking and your mom."

"She taught you how to cook?" I said.

"I knew a little in cooking. I didn't know there was still more to it. She introduced those things to me."

"And now you cook just like hers." I laughed. Dad did too.

"But no one's going to beat your mother's cooking."

"Absolutely." I said.

We laughed again. It was a decent afternoon that day. I spent my whole Saturday helping on the shop. Dad didn't want me to, but he couldn't stop me. There were a few customers that day.

Roger slipped out again from under the vehicle. "How ya been, by the way," he said, pointing at me.

"Pretty cool." I said. "College sucks but it's all fine."

"See, that's one thing why I never went to college. All the workload and shit."

"Well can't say I don't relate. It is pretty shit."

"Language, gentlemen." Dad said.

We laughed it all off. Roger gave him a shove in the shoulder and went out in the back to grab more tools. We're gonna need more time to fix this car.

Dad tapped me in the back. "How's your boy doing?"

I don't know but something about Dad asking me about Tobias makes me smile.

"He's good." I said.

I could tell he was looking at me. Sometimes I wonder what am I like on his perspective.

"You're a little worried, I could see it."

"Yeah, quite."

"Wanna talk about it?"

I thought for a second. "Sure." Dad continued unscrewing the tire of the car. "He has been acting different lately."

"Different how?" he said.

"One time, he didn't eat. I had to buy him a sandwich and make him eat it. Then he calls me at night—I told him to only call me late at night when there's a problem or it's an emergency. And now he does... often. He smiles all the time but I know it's not real. I think he's... sad? I don't know. I don't want to jump into conclusions. But I'm worried about him, Dad. I really am. I don't want anything to happen to him."

All I wanted right now is to figure out what's bothering Tobias. To be sure that he's okay. I hope he will be.

For some reasons, Dad looked at me and smiled. "You really care about him, do you?"

"A lot."

"Maybe he's, I don't know, son, depressed or something? Have you asked him yet?"

"No. I want to. But I'm kinda scared." I'm scared of everything.

"Well you'll never know if you don't try."

I should probably ask him about it. In the right time and right place. "I guess, I will." I said. "Besides, we're going on a date next week."

Dad snickered. "A date, huh?"

"Who's going on a date?" Roger popped out from the back door of the garage with tools in his arms.

I raised my hand. "I am."

"Oh I will be damned," he said.

I laughed.

"With who?"

Dad and I shared a glance. He smiled at me.

"With my boyfriend." I said. Roger froze. He looked at Dad who just grinned. He looked at me.

"You have... a boyfriend?" Roger said.

"Hell yeah." I said. Dad couldn't help it anymore and laughed at Roger's puzzled face. I just smiled. "And he's hella fuckin' hot."

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