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Tobias came over one afternoon. We didn't do anything except for laying down on my bed while huddled to each other. I've always liked doing it with him. No talking, just the presence of one another. It's enough to make my whole day.

I've told him about the shop. He was upset that he couldn't do anything to help. But that's life for you. It was upsetting and disappointing.

"Dad kept saying he will find a new job. I know it hurts for him the most, specially for Roger also. It was his family's legacy."

"Does it hurt for you too?"

"Of course, it does." I said. "I grew up working in there too."

Tobias sighed. "I'm sorry, Elliot." Then he hugged me really tight, and I felt like the most comfortable person in the world.

I stared outside the window. Everything looked like a painting. The leaves from the trees looked brightly green. The sun stood out shining all over the world. The houses from afar formed like a landscape that would fill up a whole canvas. It was all amazing.

Then Tobias spoke. "Do you wanna know why I didn't want to seek help from the first place?" He always throws a question out of nowhere.

"Sure. If you're okay with it."

He traced a line on my arm. "I was sixteen, and broken. It was the time when my mother left and my episodes started to get worse. My dad was really worried about my situation so he found someone that he thought would help. Then I had my first session. The therapist was so nice and all, but I didn't really buy any of it. I didn't answer every time the therapist talked to me. I wasn't capable of talking to someone that I don't know at all."

I shifted and faced Tobias. He looked tired.

"Then I realized that seeing my therapist wasn't really helping at all. It just got worse that I have learned to endured it up until now." He looked me in the eyes. "But this time I've decided. It's time for me to have change and get better. I won't take this forever, especially now that I have you. I won't let my pain be the facade between us."

Something in his eyes always gets me lost. In times I would just observe him and look into his wicked brown eyes until I lose presence of the world.

What he's saying right now would reflect to a big decision that he has to make. "Tobias." I touched his cheek. "I'm sorry. I truly am sorry. I didn't know the story behind your reason. I was to nearsighted to see that there's more to your pain that you're still holding up."

"You don't have to apologize, Elliot. I'm telling you this now because I also want this for myself too. I want to get better."

Then I smiled.

"I'm proud of you. I am so proud of you."

And then he smiled. "I know."

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