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Manta also went to Klein's stand and they have talked for a while. And from what I saw, it seemed that Manta also refused the offer to join their club. I waved a hand on her and she immediately noticed me.

"Not a fan of teaching too?" I asked as soon as she arrived.

She shook her head. "The opposite, actually. But I'm thinking of trying something new this year." Then she sat beside me on the bench.

"Have you been teaching kids all your life?"

She nodded. "You could say that. We have a program—back when I was in high school—where we gather kids from different places then teach them basic learning education."

"So you want to be a teacher someday." I figured.

Manta nodded and we sit for a while. "What about you?" she broke the silence. "Have you joined a club yet?"

I shook my head. "Nothing interests me."

"That sucks."

"I know."

And again we sat in silence. I haven't really checked all of the clubs in the field today. I've visited at least four or five organizations and barely talked to some of their own handlers, but none really mattered that much.

I didn't know college would suck this much. Or should I say boring. Or maybe nonsense.

"That guy looks like he's lost." Manta said all of a sudden. I looked at where she was pointing and saw Tobias—that definitely looks like he's lost—looking like an abandoned child in a mall.

I called the dude. "Yo, Tobias!" And he immediately noticed me and ran forward.

"There you are. Been looking for ya for ages," he said and sat on the bench too. "I see you're with a friend." He nodded at Manta. "Bonjour."

Manta gave him a casual wave.

"You said you were looking for me?"

He nodded.  "Yeah, I was going to ask if you have joined a club yet."

I gave Manta a glance. "Nah. We both haven't yet." Then looked at Tobias. "Have you?"

Tobias smiled. "That's why I'm here."

"I'm lost."

"I will be offering you—and you as well," he points at Manta. "To join my club."

"What is you club?" This was Manta. Tobias reached for his bag and handed us a paper. Manta and I read it at the same time. "A French club?" she asked.

"Oui. We're going to invite students who's interested in learning the French language and I can volunteer on teaching them." Tobias explained. He seemed confident about this.

I looked at him. "If you're going for a teacher role play too, then why not just join Klein's club?"

"Who the hell is Klein?" he asked, and I pointed at Klein who is busy handing out flyers to the students passing by.

"Their club is all about teaching." I said.

"Specifically, kids." Manta added.

Tobias shook his head. "I'm not interested in teaching kids," he said. "I'm interested in you, Elliot."

I was silent, startled. And then I spoke, "What?"

"I told you I'll help you with French, didn't I? Well this is it. This is my way of helping you."

"Oh." I said.

ElliotTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang