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'Hey Elliot. im okay. i just need more sleep than usual, no need to worry abt much. i hope ure having a good day.'

Relief washed over my mind after reading the text. I stuffed my phone in my pocket.

I'm heading to the skatepark today. I will be studying tomorrow. I still have time anyways so there's no need to worry about studying too much.

My friends there were already waiting. It's been a while since the last time I hung out with them. And I did miss them, their awesomeness, Isaac's crappy jokes, the feeling of comfort on going full speed while riding my skateboard.

Isaac was the first to notice me of course. That dude notices everyone, even from a mile away.



He ran and jumped onto me, giving me a squeezing hug. He then pulled back. "Where the hell have you been, man? We missed you here. I missed you!" he said.

This is the one thing I liked about Isaac. Always honest and blunt. He speaks what's inside his mind and he's not afraid of showing his feelings to everyone. He certainly makes everyone smile and is always happy. I wish I could be Isaac.

"You know, college and shit." I grimaced.

"Ah, you're a big boy now, huh-Ayo, Cedric! Elliot's here."

Cedric came immediately with a wide smile on his face. His perfect white teeth shown perfectly partnered against his dark skin. "My boy!" he said and we gave each other a pound hug. "How you been, huh?"

"I'm good, man. Just focused on school for a bit."

"You've changed a lot. I'm proud of you."

I shove his shoulders playfully. "Shut up."

Isaac and Cedric laughed and I did too. We didn't want to waste more time having small talk so we went to the rest of our friends and started hopping on our boards. Soaring into the speed that I wish could wash away my dusted mind.


My skateboard was broken when I went home. "Where's Dad?" I asked.

"He's staying late at the garage. Says he needs to work over time." Clara said. "I'm making dinner, by the way."

Clara was busy in the kitchen. The smell of pasta and sauce roaming around the room. "I can see." I said. "Whatchu makin'?"


"Since when can you cook lasagna?"

"Thirty minutes ago. Google helped me."

Great. I just know it would be terrible. Clara and I aren't really a fan of cooking. "Alright, I'll be in my room." Then I headed to my bedroom.

I flopped easily to the bed and sighed. Fucking exams are bothering my mind again, and it makes me think of more studying. Fucking studying. I hate studying.

I glanced at the untouched books on my desk. They look like an abandoned tower. The sight of it made me groan in annoyance.

But exams aren't the only one bothering my mind, really. Tobias. I'm worrying about Tobias too. I'm worrying about my friend. It sucks to have to worry again. I hate worrying. I hate it.

I wonder what's he doing.

I reached out for my phone in my pocket and typed a message to Tobias: 'wyd'

He answered almost immediately.

'Making dinner, u?'


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