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The weirdly annoying thing about going on a date is worrying about what you're gonna wear. Of course you do want to look good in front of your partner, and picking the best clothes for the day is harder than doing French exams.

My whole closet was raided. Alvin is here. And I still don't know what I'm going to wear.

The first outfit that I threw on was a cozy sweater and black jeans. I thought it looked cool, but he said otherwise. It went on and on and on. I wear another outfit, he'd disagree. Until my whole closet was empty and all my clothes are scattered on the floor and the bed.

"Why the fuck is this so hard?" I said. It's annoying me so much. Shit.

Alvin picked up a shirt. "Did you not buy some new clothes at least?"

"No. I don't have money."

"You could've asked me!"

"I didn't know."

"Well now you know. You could just ask me next time. You know I'll lend you money."

I grinned. "What are you? My sugar daddy?"

"Tell that to your date."

We both laughed. Tobias is probably all set by now, just waiting for the clock to tick on the time we set for the date. I'm not gonna finish picking an outfit in no time. Why am I so terrible at everything?

As much as I didn't need more help, I didn't also want to look dumb for the special night. I called my sister two or three times before she barged in the room looking like a mess. Her hair was tightened into a messy bun and she's in her ugly sweater and pajamas.

"Have you been binge-watching the whole day?" I said.

"Yes." She sounded grumpy.

Alvin and I shared a look. Probably a look between concerned and controlling laughter.

"Why did you call me here?" she said.

"I kinda need your help." I said.

"For what?"

Alvin raised my clothes. "Outfits," he said. Clara scanned the messed up room that contained the sea of scattered shirts, polos, jeans, jogging pants, and underwears. Holy shit, it really is a whole mess.

Then Clara beamed up. "Oh my god, that's today?!"

"Yeah." I said.

"Why didn't you remind me sooner? I could've taken you to the mall!"

"See! That's what I'm talking about." Alvin said.

"Okay, well, it's too late now." I said. "Now can you just please help me pick clothes? I have thirty more minutes."

"Thirty minutes?!" Clara said. "Do you know how not enough that is?"

"Clara, I'm not like you in getting ready. I don't put shit on my face that takes one fucking hour to finish and I don't change attire every other minute because of unsatisfactory."

"Okay, first of all—"

"How about we just continue this argument later when the date's over?" Alvin said. "Clock's ticking, everyone. Chop chop!"

In one snap, Clara dug in the pile of clothes on the floor. I've tried six fuckin' outfits and none of them satisfied Clara's eyes. Until we got to the seventh one and all Clara did say was: "Perfect."

After getting the perfect fit, I bid my goodbye to them and ran outside the house. I only had twelve minutes left on the clock. Tobias and I will be meeting at the park and I'm so excited to see him. This day could be great.

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