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The club.

That is how this whole teaching slash helping process would go on. By joining the club that Tobias is leading. I was doubting for quite a while when he handed the offer but I couldn't refuse either.

The dude is very passionate about what he wants to do—very confident as well—so it'd be so bad for me to refuse. I badly needed help also so I think that counts too.

"So who is our target audience?" I once asked when we were planning the whole club thing in one of the empty classrooms at nearly five in the afternoon.

"You mean students?" Manta would counter.

"Ain't that the same?"

"Audiences are the people that you would entertain. Students are the people we need in our club right now."

"But we will entertain students, won't we?"

Manta went silent. Tobias laughed. "Here are the list of what we would do in the club—well what I think we would do, so let me know what you guys think," he said and handed another paper. "Oh, and since you two are the first members of the club, you would play the role of being my assistants. Good?"

"Yeah, okay, man. Anything you want." I'd answer and Manta would nod her head.

"No, don't agree just because I want you to. I need you in here. Your cooperation. In order for this club to work, you must be present too."

It would take me a while to answer and I'd end up agreeing again. It's not like I have a choice. Or yes, maybe I do. But I liked the fact that Tobias is doing all of this just so I could have my good French phase and I also liked his company.

"I like this one." I'd say, and point at the paper. "The only common french food I've ever tried is croissant. I'd like to try more." I was talking about the activity where I can try variety of french foods.

"French Trip," Manta said. "What is that?"

"Oh, about that," Tobias said. "it's actually on pending yet because I'm not sure if we're able to do that."

"But what is the French trip?" I'd ask.

Tobias smiled and sat on the top of the desk. "I'm planning on taking us to a trip once we have gotten closer to each other or we've built quite good relationship to everyone," he said.

"A trip to where exactly?"

"To France."

France. Very nice. And expensive, I'm guessing. I've never been to France, or to any other country in particular. But I've always liked traveling.

"France? What are we gonna do there?" Manta would ask.

"Probably visit french museums and try more french foods." Tobias said. "Like, Elliot wanted."

"That's nice." I'd say.

Whatever the plan is, I'm sure the club will come out good and well organized. We could work this out. Probably.

"We haven't thought of a name yet."

"What name?" Tobias asked.

"Name of our club." I'd answer.

Everyone would be silent for a second. "A Group Of Extraordinary People Who Wants To Learn French." Tobias would suggest.

"Too long." Manta answered. "Besides, we're not only doing french tutoring here, are we?"

Then silence again.

"What about Call Us Frenchmens?" I'd say.

"Men is already plural."

"French Club?" Tobias asked.


"L'organisation?" Manta said.

"Too french-y." I said.

And then there's silence again. Why the fuck is brainstorming for a name so hard? "What about The French Society?" Tobias said. There were no counters or anything, but silence.

"Sounds nice." Manta said. She looked at me. "Thoughts?"

"Dope." I answered and nodded.

Tobias smiled again. His wide contagious smile. "The French Society?" he asked.

"The French Society."

"The French Society." I said and smiled.


It took days to approve our proposal for our club and we're glad that it was accepted. Tobias was so happy and his smile never left his face since the day the club proposal got accepted. He was the happiest man on earth.

The day after the club got accepted, we planned the whole process and flow of what we're going to do. And I'm surely excited on the activities that we have made.

Tobias was our club president. Manta was the secretary. And I was the assistant, or the right hand man, or the support—whatever. I'm the dude that helps on everything and shit.

I once asked Tobias to come by at my place and do the meetings there and he agreed to it. So did Manta. Every Tuesdays and Thursdays of the past four weeks became our schedule on meeting at my house.

And on those four weeks that we have spent time together, we grew much closer. Dad and Clara became familiar with Tobias and Manta. Alvin never met any of them because he was busy in his robotics club doing robotic shit.

I have also quite liked more of Tobias' company. He's very weird but also an easy and funny guy to hang around with. I've had the chance to know the dude more. I didn't know why, but whenever he is around, I feel genuinely happy.

The unpredictable Manta became the friendly Manta. She was a nice girl with good common sense and got brains too.

This would be cool if we had at least ten or thirteen students on our club. We have planned this whole club thing for a month and I just freakin' wish that anyone would be interested.

Maybe college isn't that boring at all.

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