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It was ridiculous that Clara and Dad went rushing around the house. They did all panicking and working for hours. And I was there silently wishing for them to stop and calm down. But nothing worked.

"Guys, calm down, will you?" I said.

"I am calm, son," Dad said. He nearly dropped the pitcher.

"Are you?"

"Just go and help your sister with the pork."

"A fucking pork?!"

"Language, Elliot!" he said and disappeared in the living room. I sighed. They're much more worrying than the dinner itself.

Tobias and I decided to have dinner in the house so I could properly introduce him to Dad and Clara. Them on the other hand was surprised and talked about what to do to on dinner all week.

I suggested that we could just have pizza. They said it was effortless. Maybe it was, but I love pizza. Pizza dinner was crossed out. Dad said something about fancy restaurants but we all know that he wasn't a fan of spending money on expensive foods.

"I thought you didn't want spending money on some expensive-fancy-dinner places?" I said.

"This one's different. We could break some rules sometimes, you know," he said.

"It's not worth it, Dad."

"Yes it is, Elliot. We need to at least prepare."

"I agree with Elliot on this one, Dad," my sister said. She was my favorite sibling at the moment. "We could just be practical." I remembered she was my only sibling.

"So we're going to cook?" Dad said.

Clara nodded. I just stayed seated. I'm not getting involved in kitchen shits.

And then it was settled. Fancy-restaurant-dinner was crossed out and we went for the Practical slash homemade slash sufficient dinner.

"Need a hand?" I said. Clara was making her infamous lasagna. I could already imagine finishing three plates of it. "I thought Dad said you were taking care of the pork?"

"Change of plans. I needed to make the lasagna first."

"What am I going to do with the pork?"

"Roast it." She made it sound like it was easy. I let out a sigh and went for my phone to check the proper procedure on how to roast a pork.

We prepared all morning taking care about the food. Dad mostly. He became the kitchen master ever since Mom was gone. I suddenly missed her cooking. I wish she could witness all of this. I wish she could meet Tobias.


Tobias arrived at five-thirty in afternoon.



He was wearing a cream colored sweater and he looked handsome as always. There was flowers on his hand. I wanted to lean in and kiss him. But I didn't. I stepped aside and let him inside.

"Those for me?" I said.

He frowned. "Why would I give you flowers?"

"Get out."

"Don't be mad. I got you something different." He chuckled and kissed my cheek. I raised an eyebrow before leading him to the kitchen.

Dad gave him a hug. Clara, a cheek kiss. The flowers were for them. A grin formed on my face. What a sweet man. Then we started eating dinner.

"So, Tobias," Dad said. "How old are you again?"

"Twenty. Turning twenty-one in a few days."

"You're twenty?" Clara said. "I actually thought you were older than that." She bit on the pork. God, I didn't want to know the taste of it. "Like, twenty-four or something."

"You're literally both juniors." I said.

"How am I supposed to know that?"

"It's just obvious."

"Oh, really, Elliot? How come?"

"Clara. Elliot." Dad both gave us a look. We dropped the argument. Tobias silently snickered. I could tell he was enjoying it so far... maybe. Dad proceeded on asking him about his college life. Clara would follow up. I'd fill in more information if necessary.

"Where did you two meet?" Clara said.

Tobias and I shared a glance. I think that kid would be traumatized for life. Yeah. That kid. I wonder what happened to him after that. I smiled.

"He caught me threatening a kid once." I said. I couldn't hold back my laughter.

Dad looked like he would disown me.

"You were what?"

"Threatening a kid."

"Why would you do that?" Clara said. I think the pork was okay.

"I almost died because of him!" I said.

"You almost died?" Tobias said.

"Why didn't you tell me about this, Elliot?" Dad said.

I raised my hands. "Okay, calme toi, la famille. (Okay, calm down, fam.)" I said. "It was just almost, yeah? I'm still whole."

"You still shouldn't have threatened a kid." Clara said. Okay, maybe I'm kind of guilty now. But it was there anyway. Done it. Never going to take it back.

"Maybe." I said. "But, yeah, that's how we met." Tobias placed his hand on my thigh. I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back.

Those were the moments I'd never want to forget. Even though it was seriously weird, I still loved the fact that Tobias was the one to witness me doing a seriously weird thing. I'm glad he was the one I met.

My family got along well with him. That's all I wished to happen tonight. And it did. I'm thankful for it.

The dinner ended after more questions and answers. Dad and Tobias went on the living room. Dad said he'll give him a little "dad talk."

"Don't let him traumatize you." I said to Tobias. He laughed. Dad waved a dismissing hand to me. I let out a laugh too and helped Clara on the dishes.

"You're whole panicking agenda can stop now." I said.

"Holy shit, Elliot. Can I just say that I do love him so much. You are so lucky to have him by your side." She rubbed her temples. "Why do men always have to get the hot ones too."

"Woah, slow down there, sis. Wouldn't want to have a love triangle with my own sister."

Clara glared at me. "I'm not into him, you stupid brunette. You can calm down."

"Good. He's out of your league anyway."

Her jaw dropped dramatically and she punched me in the shoulder. I laughed and shove her slightly. Dad and Tobias was sitting on the couch. They were laughing and smiling.

"He seems happy." Clara said. I could tell she's looking at me.

"Yeah, he loves smiling."

Tobias did love smiling. It was the main part of his art. A golden treasure he contained. It was the best part of him.

"Does he make you happy?"

Tobias. Does he make me happy? He was the one I look forward to see every time I go to school. He was the one I think about every night before going to bed. His voice was the first thing I find to listen every morning. His hand was the thing that I would never let go once I held it. His arms was my safe space. He was the treasure I got to discover. He unlocked the new part on me that I didn't regret discovering. He was the light in the devastating darkness. He was the moon in the vast night sky and every star was his other perfect things. He was the golden boy that was broken in many ways. He was the book that I would read over and over until the ink on the pages fade; the paper brittles; the pages turn yellow; the whole book decays. He's all and he's more.

"Yeah," I said. "he does."

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