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Exams are coming next month and I still suck at my fucking studies. Why am I the worst at studying—like how can people study so easily like it's just basic math that you can learn on the 1st grade?

I had to seek help from Clara so I could understand biology, from Manta to learn more about french, and from Alvin to know technology.

The school today are busy. Everyone is busy. And I think the reason is that they are preparing for School Fest. It's basically where various clubs are organized and every student is required to have a club to join. Alvin invited me to go with him at the robotics club but I said no.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not some nerd shit who wants to spend the rest of their days examining or making artificial intelligence that is not necessary in life." I answered.

"That is where you're wrong, dude," he countered. "Artificial Intelligence is important because it forms and enables human capabilities that could help us in the future. AI is basically our extended vision for it is efficient of many things."

"Where did you even learn that?"

"Online," he answered. "We have internet for a reason, Elliot. Explore it sometimes. Don't ground yourself on one place."

"I barely use the internet."



Alvin picked up his lunch. "Why is that?"

"I'm not a fan of browsing and searching long articles that takes forever to read. I'm a visual learner." We settled down on an empty table and ate our food.

"But... you could visually learn on the internet."

I stopped eating. "Really? How?"

Alvin rolled his eyes. I think he's done talking to me. "Are you kidding?" Yeah, he's done talking to me. Yikes. "Youtube, you clueless idiot!"

"You can watch a whole research of something in Youtube?"

"YES!" he yelled. A few looked at us, but then looked away immediately. Alvin switched his tone into a whisper. "Sorry, but—yes! Yes, you could. What do you think is the purpose of Youtube if not for research purposes?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I've watched plenty of videos. Just not those research or educational shits or whatever."

"What kind of videos do you watch?"

"You know, skateboarding stuff, tutorial on how to bake cookies—before you ask, yes I still am learning on how to make them—and some adorable pandas eating bamboos." I explained and took a bite from my food.

"Pandas? You watch panda videos?"

"I love pandas."

Alvin was silent. And then talked after a pause. "Alright, let's cut off the panda talk. As I was saying, I'm going to join the robotics club. You sure you don't want to go?"

I shook my head, then it was decided, Alvin will go to the robotics club by himself. I still haven't figured what club to join. There are a bunch of 'em but none of it really interests me.

There's this group of girls who gives out flyers to join their club that mainly does beauty shits only.

Another is a pair that invites everyone to join their band. They call themselves The Henchmans with the 's' on man instead of using the plural form 'men'. That doesn't interest me also because I don't sing.

I walked around the whole field to find a group that I'd join. I went to one stand where Klein was located. "Hi, would you like to join our club?" she said as soon I arrived. She was the head of their organization, I think.

"What do you do in your club?" I asked. There were a set of flyers and brochures on the desk. I slid my hands on to them, skimming it one by one.

"Well, if you would look at the brochures we have made, it indicates that we will do basic tutoring for children that needs extra lessons. Like expanding their knowledge. We will teach them other stuff that they don't usually learn in their schools."

I looked up to her. "So in other words... teaching kids?"

She nodded.

"We will teach only basics, like Math, Reading, Writing—or if you have any suggestions, that would really help us," the girl beside her spoke.

Klein looked at the girl and introduced her. "This is my friend, Issa."

"Hi, Issa." I greeted and then she answered back with a wave.

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself. I'm—"

"Klein. Yeah, I know you."

She looked surprised. "Really? Okay. Well, do you want to join our club..." she indicated a signal where I should say my name to finish her sentence.

I smiled. "Elliot."

"Right. Do you want to join our club, Elliot?"

"I'm not really fund of teaching. I mean, I even hate studying so... I'm gonna have to pass." I explained. "But I do have a suggestion."

Klein and Issa shared a glance. "Okay, what is it?" said Klein.

"Arts. You should also include arts." I gave them a smile and walked away.

This sucks. Again. Why do all students need to join a club? What if I don't fit to any of the organizations? What am I going to do? Basically, none of the clubs here fits for me or catches my interests.


What now?

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