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Dad called the next morning. "You forgot your pajamas!"

"I brought mine here with me, Dad. What do you mean?"

"Then whose pajamas are these?"

I shot a look at Tobias. He just smiled. And I rolled my eyes. Of course, he'd accidentally leave his pajamas. "It's Tobias's."

"Oh." I could imagine Dad having a confused look on his face. "Okay then. I'll just leave these in your room." Then he hung up. Tobias still had the smile on his face.

"Nice move, Antoine."

"Sorry. I forgot," he said.

"You're lucky Dad knows 'bout us."

"Will he kill me if he doesn't?"

"No. He's more of an I'll-beat-you-up-until-you-bleed-and-have-broken-bones-but-still-end-up-being-alive type of guy."

Tobias frowned. He always looked adorable doing that. "I think that's worse than being killed."

I laughed. So did he.

When we got outside our room, the whole squad was already starting their morning shenanigans. Alvin and Manta are arguing in the kitchen, Nico holding them off. Benedict was still snoring at the couch. Tayla and Briar were chatting. And River was just observing everyone with a cup of tea in his hands.

"Well this is quite a morning."


We made a list of the things we'd do while in France.

-See the Eiffel Tower!!

-Eat more french dishes (or croissants)

-Visit a museum

-Talk to an actual french person (Tobias is excluded)

-Go cruising


-Stargazing (maybe)

Yeah, shit. It's a lot. Maybe.

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