Chapter 48: Complicated Situations.

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"I follow three rules: Do the right thing, do the best you can, and always show people you care."- Lou Holtz.

Ethan and Penny were on their way down. Even though it would seem a longshot that Strout would allow Fang in the place. It was partly worth a shot. He saw that Madam Strout by the Alchemy room. "Madam Strout! Would you happen to have a moment to talk?" Ethan requested.

Strout was busy working on making a Potion.

"Um... Madam Strout?" Ethan asked again.

Strout snapped back. "Oh! Hello, Mr. Bauer. Miss. Haywood. I didn't see you there." She replied.

"That's all right, Madam Strout. I just had an idea that I wanted to talk to you about!" Ethan informed.

Madam Strout however seemed pretty occupied with something else. "I'm afraid I don't have any time to talk! I've got to finish brewing these potions for my patients." She said.

"What if I help you brew your potions? Could we talk afterwards, then?" Penny offered. 

"She is a skilled Potion Maker, Madam Strout." Ethan added. "And helps me in Potions Class."

"Come along, then! We have quite a few different potions to brew and not much time!" Strout said to Penny.

Penny and Madam Strout began building up the Potions, while Ethan was gathering ingredients. "This Wiggenweld Potion is almost done! I just need to finish stirring it." Penny announced.

Strout looked at it. "Well done! This potion will do just fine." She said.

"Thank you, Madam Strout. I was happy to help!" Penny replied.

"Right. Well, I was saying earlier, I have a question about my patient, as part of my school project." Ethan interrupted getting back on track.

"Right. You said something about an idea to make your patient feel more at home?" Strout asked.

"Yes! Hagrid, has a dog named Fang that he's worried about." Ethan started.

"And we think bringing in Fang would cheer Hagrid up and make him feel at home!" Penny added.

"Your heart is in the right place, Mr. Bauer, and I commend you for doing your best to help your patient..." Strout started as if this wasn't the first time that this has happened.

"However, animals aren't allowed at St Mungo's?" Ethan asked.

"However, animals aren't allowed at St Mungo's." Strout answered. "Service Animals are the exception. But I seriously doubt that this Fang is a Service Dog is he?"

"I mean, we'd be doing Hagrid a service." Ethan pointed out.

"I'm sorry, but my answer is no. As a hospital we have to maintain a certain standard of cleanliness." Strout answered. "Professor Dumbledore said you were a clever student, so I'm sure you'll figure something else out. If you'll excuse me, I have to get these potions to my patients! And thank you again for the help."

Ethan and Penny walked out the door. Only to see that Jae was outside and eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Well that sucked." Ethan commented. "Madam Strout seems like she's all smiles but she knows how to put her foot down."

"I think she's being a bit unfair, don't you? She gave us this assignment, but now you can't complete it." Penny asked.

"Oh, we're completing the assignment, Penny." Ethan replied. 

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