Chapter 3

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??? POV 

Disgusting. Just disgusting. Today's world is rotten because of those creatures... We need to turn them pure and make sure that they arrive clean on the revelation's day. 

And for that, we need to own them first, so... Let's see if this living being can be at least useful for us to purge. 

-???: We brought him sir... 
-???: Finally (smirks) tie him on that chair under the focus. They hate light... 
-???: You won't get anything from me... Just so you know, you are wasting your time. 
-???: Silent! Here the only one able to talk freely is the oracle, or in other words... Me (laughs) C'mon, tie him already, we have an interrogation to do... (serious) 
-???: Yes, sir! 

I head to the altar where there's the sacred scepter and the Holy Water on a silver cup. He better speak up or else... Well, let's say that he'll wish to be dead. 

-Oracle: Okay unclean rat blood sucker, demon son of darkness-
-???: Couldn't he just call him a vampire? 
-Oracle: (turns around) Who said it? 
-???: Said what, sir? 
-Oracle: (rolls his eyes) You can't lie to me... That's a sin, and every sinner deserves death! You better confess now... 
-???: I-It was me, sir... 
-Oracle: Good, thanks for being honest now... Someone, kill him. No one goes against me, I'm God's chosen one, my words are God's words... So everyone who speaks against me, is actually speaking against him. And that means, death for the sinner! (laughs) 

This scene is just an example of what happens to those who don't follow God's words. Me, as the chosen one, I'm the one in charge of making everyone in this world free of sins. 

-Oracle: Now it's your turn... (raises his head) Tell me sinner, where are you and your friends hiding? 
-???: As if I would tell you... 
-Oracle: Look, we can do this in a good way where you'll die fast, or we can do it in a rude way, where you'll be tortured until you wish to be dead (smirks) Which one do you choose? 
-???: I chose to dance on your tomb. 
-Oracle: (rolls his eyes) Wrong answer, boys... 

I head to my throne while watching them putting Holy Water over the horrible sinner. This must feel as if his skin were boiling... He's pale but he's turning red, what a beautiful sight. 

-Oracle: So, are you going to talk? 
-???: I prefer to die first... I don't care about myself right now, I know that my comrades will end with the Soldiers of Light's torture one day. You won't last long... (breathing heavily) 
-Oracle: (laughs) You are not in place to talk... I wonder what will happen if I stick my silver cup to your body (smirks) One more chance idiot, tell me, where are you hiding? And what's more important, where is she hiding? 
-???: I don't know what you are talking about... 
-Oracle: Don't play dumb, you know who am I talking about... (smirks) Wether you tell me or not, my soldiers will find her and we'll make sure that the that horrible sinner keeps on going with his deserved curse. 
-???: You won't defeat Lloyd, he has gotten stronger... He's superior to all of you by a thousand times. 
-Oracle: Ugh, I'm offended (glares at him) There's nothing worse than being compared with someone like him, his name is actually boiling my throat every time I pronounce it. Now, talk! 
-???: You know that I won't (smirks) 
-Oracle: Lock him and chain him to the wall, then make sure to drive him crazy... (approaches him) I wonder how many time does a vampire last being surrounded by blood without going crazy (chuckles and leaves) 


Once I returned back from the store with Chaeryeong unnie, she helped me to paint the chess board on the ceiling. But now that I come to think about it, how the hell is that gonna help? 

-Lia: Are you happy now? 
-Yuna: Yup (smiles) 
-Lia: You are giving us a hard time, huh? (chuckles) It looks cool tho... I've never seen a chess board on a ceiling. 
-Yuna: I'm creative I guess (smiles and shrugs) But... What should I do now? 
-Lia: Do... About what? 
-Yuna: With the chess piece that he gave me! What do I do with it now? 
-Lia: Play? 
-Yuna: But I don't know how to play chess (pouts) 
-Ryujin: (shows up smirking) I'm glad you mentioned that, cause I can take you as my student... 
-Yuna: (sighs) Okay... 

I spent the whole afternoon with Ryujin while she taught me how to play chess... Agh, it's a strategy game, I don't like thinking too much, but it is actually something that suits Lloyd. 

-Yuna: (entering the room like a zombie) Ah~
-Lia: What happens? 
-Yuna: My head hurts, I've been playing too much, and Ryujin is really tough... And you know what's worse? 
-Lia: What? 
-Yuna: That nothing happened... (sighs) This is a normal chess piece (throws it to the ground) 
-Lia: After being so annoyed about it, you are gonna try to break it now? 
-Yuna: No... It's just that I'm disappointed... (picks it up) Why would he give me something as useless as this thing? (starts cleaning it when suddenly something clicks) 

Eh? Something clicked? The piece's top is slightly twisted now... But, that was all? Nothing else? I sigh and lay on my bed. Then I raise the piece above my head, and then something incredible appears... 

-Yuna: (gasps) Are you seeing it?! 
-Lia: E-Eh? Seeing... What? 
-Yuna: There, the ceiling... (excited) 
-Lia: I don't see anything... 
-Yuna: Huh?! But there are two points, a red and a blue one... Can't you see it? 
-Lia: (sighs) Yuna-ssi, I think that you need to rest about the chess piece thing... You are starting to talk nonsense... 
-Yuna: But unnie, I can clearly see-
-Lia: Yuna, what you are saying is impossible, there can't be any point at the ceiling unless you paint it... (smiles) You are probably just tired, go to sleep... 
-Yuna: I know what I'm seeing, I'm being serious... (pouts) 

She doesn't believe me... But I know that this is real, something on the chess piece made the points appear... Wait a moment, what if the chess points to a normal wall? 

I place the piece on the right wall but nothing happens. What the hell? I point to the ceiling with the chess board, and they appear again... What's going on here?! And what the hell do they mean?! 

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