Chapter 32

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-Time skip two days later-

The way from Hellmond until here felt eternal, I really thought that we would never arrive. However, in finally seeing John and the rest, I'm really happy to know that they did fine and that the plan is going just as planned. 

-Lloyd: The moment has really arrived (sighs) 
-Clive: (pats Lloyd's back) It's okay, we have been working hard for this (smiles) It's time for you to finally face them. 
-Lloyd: Yeah (serious) Let's do this. Everyone, you already know the plan. The oracle is for me and my group, you must be in charge of the rest, okay? Be careful with what they call the sacred weapons, they can hurt you so badly. 
-Elias: I can tell… 
-Luna: Let's prove them that we also deserve to live (serious) 
-John: Mike and the rest are ready too. Wherever you want, Lloyd. 
-Lloyd: (takes a deep breath and nods) Let's go for it now, let's fight for our freedom! Let's go! 

We start running against the church but once we arrive, there's already a file of soldiers of light waiting for us. How did they know? He probably saw with that map that I was here, damn it! 

-Mike: Keep on going as we planned! Don't stop here! 
-Clive: He's right, Lloyd, we have to find the Oracle… 
-Luna: How will we know who's him? 
-Lloyd: Not by the appearance of course. We will know just because he will be the strongest and also probably the craziest. 
-Geovnorf: Let's keep on going then, we have to finish with this before the sun rises. 
-Clive: Let's go! 

We get inside the building avoiding the different types of weapons and trying to ignore the horrible war's noises. I'm really afraid of looking back and seeing any of my friends hurted. That's why I can't get distracted and I should get on going, we don't have another option anyway. 

-Geovnorf: There's more of them coming down the stairs… That Oracle is probably on the higher floor. 
-Clive: Yeah, that makes sense-
-Eden: No, no, don't go upstairs! There there's just soldiers of light… You need to go underground to the cells-
-Luna: Thank you Eden- Look behind you! 
-Eden: (gets stabbed) Agh, fuck! (attacks back) 
-Luna: Eden! 
-Clive: Luna, we can't stop here! Let's get going, c'mon… 

Why would he be underground? Of course because it's the most unexpected place. However, I don't really care where he is because I'll find him and end up with him. 

We keep on breaking through the crowd until we find the way underground, however at the entrance we bump with three familiar guys. They are the ones who sent Elias, Mike and John to the infirmary in London. I remember them clearly. 

-Michael: Long time no see, Lloyd (smirks) 
-Lloyd: You better allow us to reach the Oracle (serious) 
-Castiel: Or what? 
-Geovnorf: Look, I hate this nonsense talk! (runs straight towards them) 
-Clive: Wait! 
-Gabriel: Do you really think that you have time to worry for him? (attacks Clive) 
-Luna: Don't worry Lloyd, just keep on going! We'll keep them here (winks and faces Michael) 

Ah, I really don't want to leave them facing these guys alone. But we have talked about this, we've trained as groups for these reasons, we are now experts on this kind of fights. 

I rush downstairs to a dark tunnel, I can't see anything. I use some of my magic to light the torches. I followed the long way until there was a huge door which said "Purge" on its front. What the hell is this place? 

Suddenly, the huge door opens by itself and a light falls over a man sitting in a kind of armchair while smirking. It must be him, I can feel his energy overflowing out of his body. 

-Oracle: I've been waiting for the day when I would finally meet the biggest sinner on earth. I would say that it's a pleasure meeting you, but I'm not really pleased (laughs). I won't be satisfied until I see you begging… 
-Lloyd: You know that won't happen. We have dignity just like all humans. 
-Oracle: Are you trying to joke? (raises an eyebrow) Look, I am not the one who made this rule, its my Lord, the heaven's owner who decided that you are just dross which need to be purged (laughs) 
-Lloyd: Purged? Why would your Lord be so cruel? We haven't done anything to him anyway… 
-Oracle: (serious) Are you aware of where you are right now? 
-Clive: Lloyd! (arrives panting and filled with blues) 
-Oracle: Oh, perfect timing… (smirks) 
-Lloyd: What are you doing here, Clive? 
-Clive: Of course I finished facing that idiot (smirks) 
-Oracle: I said, are you aware of where you are right now? (smirks) 
-Lloyd: What do you mean? 
-Oracle: The other cells were used for punishing monster like you, however this one is the purge (smirks) 
-Clive: And what's the difference, idiot? 
-Oracle: You are too vulgar, how disgusting. Anyway, this is the room where we purge people like you and curse them to make them work for us (laughs) 
-Lloyd: Wait, does that mean-
-Oracle: Exactly, Blair from the Scarlet Night was cursed here (smirks) 

(WARNING 📢: If you're sensible, I advise you to not read what's next since it may be too harsh for you because of the words that will be used and the topic of their conversation. There is nothing too important so you can skip this part if you want. The Oracle will make them angry by talking about Blair, that's the only thing you need to know. In that case, see you in the next chapter^^)

-Clive: You, son of bitch! 
-Oracle: (takes a glass of wine) It was really a headache for me, it was so damn difficult. She was one of the strongest vampires, after all. That's why we had to use some other methods apart (giggles). I still remember the face she made when the 150 men I paid raped her (laughs) God, that was such a nice scene… I remember her desperately calling for Lloyd, but what was worse is that she knew that he wouldn't come (smiles) Of course, her body ended up giving up, and saying that each man had a round or two with her is not enough… It lasted for almost a whole day… However, I wanted to go further, I wanted to torture not only her body, but also her mind. And what's better than convincing her that she's not worth to be with Lloyd because she's a fucking slut? (laughs) She cried and cried until she ended up surrounding and begging in front of me. All of that happened in this room, the purge (smiles) 
-Clive: (groans really loud) I'll kill you! I hate you! I'll make you go through hell ! How could you do that to my kind sister ! (runs towards him) 
-Lloyd: (paralysed) I can't believe it… 
-Oracle: (laughs) That's it, I'm loving your expressions as much as hers… (smirks)

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