Chapter 10

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-Time skip some hours later-

-Clive: The church is getting stronger every time, and we already lost more than a member. We can't just continue like this (sighs) We need a plan, does anyone know something else about the Oracle?
-Mike: All we know is that he's dangerous, he has all kinds of sacred weapons...
-Clive: We already knew that...
-Lloyd: The thing is, how did they do it to curse Blair and contact Kandall? It's possible to have them nearer than what we think.
-Clive: So? What do you suggest?
-Lloyd: I suggest leaving for a time. Let's be clear, we are weak right now. We should not only train, but also have some time to recover from all the pain caused lately.
-Mike: Ah, that would be great... I miss our country. It's been really long since we've been there.
-Clive: Lloyd, are you sure? Are you going to leave the human alone?
-Lloyd: She's not alone, I invoked Cerberus. Plus, she has the chess piece, I can feel if she's in danger.
-Clive: Okay, if everyone agrees with it, we'll be returning to Transylvania. Mike, order everyone to start packing, we'll leave tonight.
-Mike: (nods and leaves the room)
-Clive: (sighs) I'm tired Lloyd.
-Lloyd: I know, this is close to being an eternal war... (looks down) However, we'll make sure that this is the last time. I've been thinking, if I can't save Yuna this time... Maybe I should just give up and-
-Clive: Killing my sister really affected you, you are talking nonsense. "Giving up" doesn't exist to us... We are not just fighting for you to be free from that curse, but also for magic creature's rights. We have the right to live peacefully too. The church has nothing to do about whether we deserve to exist or not.
-Lloyd: (gasps) That's right!
-Clive: What happens now?
-Lloyd: We are not alone Clive, but we've been fighting as if we were. Why haven't we contacted anyone else yet? We can ask for help!
-Clive: Huh, who would we ask for help?
-Lloyd: I don't know... Maybe werewolves? (smiles) When we were kids, there was a girl who was a werewolf and used to-
-Clive: I don't want to talk about her.
-Lloyd: Clive, she was really close to you and-
-Clive: I said that I don't want to know about her! Don't talk about her in front of me! (pushes Lloyd) Vampires and Werewolves have always hated each other, that friendship was unnatural.
-Lloyd: "Friendship"? As long as I remember, you had stronger feelings for her... (sighs) It's sad that she left you for another guy...
-Clive: I don't need her. I've been living for the past five hundred years without having a clue of her and I'm really fine (serious)
-Lloyd: Maybe it's time to meet again, we need allies, Clive.
-Clive: Why must it always be your way? I don't want to see her, hear her, feel her...
-Lloyd: Oh Clive, you are suffering the same as me... Love wounds are horrible, it's so hard to recover (places a hand on his shoulder) However, it is necessary to face it sometimes (smiles)
-Clive: I hate you sometimes, you know?
-Lloyd: (chuckles) It is decided then. I'll be resting until we leave. The last fight got me dead tired...
-Clive: (nods) I'll call you later.

I head to my own room and lay at my bed while facing the ceiling. We are gonna return to Transylvania, it's been really long since the last time.

Ugh, thinking about it makes my heart ache, I'll meet her again. The one and only woman for me. It's been so long since I visited her. I'm a horrible lover.

Without noticing, tears start rolling down my cheeks. Lately, I've noticed that I'm way more emotional than how I used to be. What's happening to me? Am I getting weak? I need to become stronger, everyone is expecting a lot from me.

-Time skip until you start leaving-

I look around and bump with some smiling face, the ones from those who are finally returning back home. There's some other concerned faces too, from the ones who are worried about the upcoming events.

In any case, the face I'm more worried about is Clive's. He looks emotionless, this must be the worst moment in his life. And I can't help but to feel guilty about it. I am the one who killed his sister.

-Mike: Lloyd.
-Lloyd: Yes?
-Mike: Do you really think that this trip will help us to become stronger? Clive looks really tired without having fought. I don't know if returning to such an emotional place for him will help.
-Lloyd: It will. He needs to face his past in order to have a proper present which will improve the future.
-Mike: (smiles) You two are really like brothers. Who would say that a vampire and a wizard would get along that well?
-Lloyd: We've been raised together, along with Blair. (looks down) Agh, I really prefer not to talk about that now...
-Mike: Oh yeah, I'm sorry for bringing up the topic.
-Lloyd: No, it's okay... We'll overcome this, we have fought for too many times, we can't give up now. Clive wouldn't allow me to anyway (chuckles)
-Mike: (smiles) Well said.

The rest of the trip was silent, and we arrived by the time that the sunlight started piercing the forest. The little village we used to live in, we are back.

-Clive: We'll have a meeting tomorrow at midnight, let's meet at our usual place.

After that, all of them headed in different directions... The Scarlet Night is the biggest clan, but each of their families is an actual clan too, so they'll need to meet their parents and other relatives.

-Lloyd: Clive, aren't you going to return to your house?
-Clive: Why would I return there? I am the only one left from the clan... (sighs)
-Lloyd: (pats his back) I am with you, you know that you are like my brother.
-Clive: I just want to sleep until tomorrow, let me do it in your house.
-Lloyd: Fine, I won't insist.
-Clive: What are you going to do?
-Lloyd: Me? I'll visit her... It's been too long since the last time, she's probably mad at me (chuckles)
-Clive: I admire you, you are really strong.
-Lloyd: I am not, I force myself to do it... I'm sure that you are able to do it too.
-Clive: Ugh (takes a deep breath) I'll think about it...

While Clive entered what it used to be my house, I started climbing one of the hills that surrounded the village. That's where my only love rests. I should get some flowers for her. She used to like that kind of act. Ah, I also need to tell her about Yuna.

The truth is that I don't really want to do it. Every time I am next to her grave, my heart breaks even more. I really regret not having been able to save her. Neither are her reincarnations.

-Time skip until you reach her grave-

-Lloyd: (places the flowers on her grave) Hi, it's me. You still remember me, right? (gets on your knees) I've been more than five hundred years without visiting you, would you ever forgive me? (sighs) I want to apologise for not being able to save you yet, your soul is still wandering around because of me... I'm sorry, my love. However, I promise you that I'll end our suffering really soon. And then (lay above the grave) We'll be able to rest in peace like we deserve. Wait for me some more, we'll soon reunite (let a tear fall)

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