Chapter 8

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I wake up with my eyes slowly opening and realize that I am no longer at the stadium. I look around trying to spot any of the members or the managers. There's no one. Where am I?

I try to yell asking for help, when I realize that I have something in my mouth. It is not a cloth or something like that. However, I can't talk. What's going on here?!

-???: Don't even bother yourself. You can't move... (smirks) The bottle you drank before, it hadn't only a medicine to make you sleep, but also to make it impossible to move or talk.

What the hell?! What am I supposed to do?! Who is he? He's one of the staff members, I remember seeing him during the rehearsal. Why is he doing this? Does he want money or something like that?

-???: Don't look at me with those eyes, I'm not the one who decided to do this (shrugs and gets rid of the uniform) Ah, much better... My usual clothes are much more comfortable.
-???: What? Are you afraid? (smirks and gets closer to her) Hmmm, you smell really sweet... I bet that you taste much better. Gosh, now in craving for some of your blood... (licks his lips)

I then try to move but it is impossible, how's it possible?! Why is he saying such horrible things? Blood? Really? Where's everyone? How did this happen?!

-???: I really want to suck it all out of you, but Blair would be really mad at me... (sighs and gets away) Don't worry, she'll be here soon. We'll end this really fast, you won't need to suffer. We are English Vampires, that thing of torturing and so doesn't suit us. We have class, you know? (chuckles) Why am I even telling you this? You are just a kid who got in our way casually... I feel bad for you. Well, not really (laughs)

What is he talking about? Vampires? Do they really exist? There's a lot of things hidden from normal humans, why did I end up involved in this? Is it because of Lloyd?

Oh Lloyd... Where are you? I need you, I need you right now. I look up to the boy in front of me, he's really a vampire. Those fangs and that piercing stare. I'm not going to lie, I'm scared. Really scared.

-???: Kandall, where is she?
-Kandall: Oh Blair, here... (smirks) She's unable to move or talk... However, she's awake already.
-Blair: That's sad, she'll need to experience being killed. I'm sorry for you girl, but I am the only one who can have Lloyd (smirks) And to make that possible, you have to die.

Die? I don't want to die! I need to run away from them... How can I... How can I get rid of the medicine effect?! Please, they are crazy! Those who created "Twilight's vampires" you are wrong! They don't fall for you, they'll kill you! Please... Someone, help me!


I'm finally back in Seoul, I feel kinda relieved now that I know that Yuna is okay, plus she still has the chess piece with her. It's interesting, she hasn't found out everything about it.

I wonder if she'll be the one to find me next time. I arrive at the Scarlet Night's base, and then I'm greeted by Clive.

-Clive: This Blair, she used you as an excuse to leave... And when I called her, she said that she decided to go on vacation. Can you believe it? She left without asking me first!
-Lloyd: (laughs) You already know how she is- (gasps)
-Clive: What happens?
-Lloyd: (places a hand on your chest) Something's wrong...
-Clive: What do you mean?
-Lloyd: I felt it, let me check something.

I check Yuna's location and for my surprise, she's in a really weird place. Why would she go there? Barely anyone goes there... I must check what's going on.

-Lloyd: I'm leaving.
-Clive: What?! You just arrived, how are you going to leave again?
-Lloyd: Yuna is in danger! I can't stay here... Something happens.
-Clive: You won't be on time...
-Lloyd: I won't be the one walking...
-Clive: What are you going to do? Invocate one of those pets of yours?
-Lloyd: Exactly... (sighs and starts with a ritual) She'll need to resist a little bit though, invoking takes some time.
-Clive: Damn, the church can't really let us breathe...


What are they doing?! Their eyes are turning into a scarlet tone and their nails are growing really fast into a sharpened form.

My heart can't beat faster, this is horrifying... I want to run away without looking back, my body is not responding. What can I do?! Am I really going to die like this?!

I haven't done a lot of stuff! I need to do a lot of things before dying... Also, I have a lot of regrettings. I want to tell the members how much I love them, I want to spend more time with my family. I want to see MIDZY one last time. And I definitely crave seeing Lloyd happy.

-Kandall: Don't worry, as I told you before, we'll do this really fast... You'll blink and it'll be done (smirks) Wherever you say, Blair.
-Blair: Now!

I close my eyes tightly waiting for their arms to pierce my body, when suddenly, I feel nothing. I open my eyes slowly and find myself surrounded by a kind of shield.

How is this possible? What is this? Wait a moment, is this the chess piece? Is this the real reason why Lloyd gave it to me?! I need answers... I need Lloyd!

-Blair: God damn it! (pissed)
-Kandall: What's that shield surrounding her?
-Blair: It is made by Lloyd... He probably did it with his crafting powers (groans)
-Kandall: Ugh, he's so annoying... What do we do now?
-Blair: We'll need to use our maximum power to break it...
-Kandall: Break Lloyd's creation?! That's impossible unless we-
-Blair: Exactly, we'll break our seal...
-Kandall: But if we do that, we'll totally lose our humanity. We won't have emotions at all.
-Blair: So? We are original vampires, we don't need our "humanity"... Let's do this.

Lose their humanity? Do they even have it right now?! They are just monsters! I pray for this shield to stay strong against their attacks.

However, after a few attacks, the shield starts breaking... I can't believe it, I'm really going to die. I haven't even become an adult yet... And I haven't fallen in love either. It's way too sad to die like this!

Suddenly, the shield breaks and I bump with their pale horrible faces again. I shut my eyes tight, and when I feared the worst, something unexpected happened again. A bullet pierced the boy's body and it made him disappear like smoke.

-Lloyd: Yuna! (jumps from the sky) Are you okay? Did they do something to you?

Lloyd! Lloyd you really came! God, I feel like crying, I can't thank him enough right now... However, there's still that girl.

-Lloyd: (turns towards Blair) So you are behind this too?
-Blair: Lloyd... You shouldn't be here.
-Lloyd: I won't allow you to touch her.
-Blair: Move, please.
-Lloyd: You know that I won't (seriously take a silver dagger) I won't hesitate, Blair.
-Blair: That hurts me, Lloyd. I have always admired you... But I need to kill her.
-Lloyd: Above my corpse (starts running towards her)

I have my mind totally blank. I can't do anything but look at him fighting against her, she could pierce him, however, it's him the one cutting her with the dagger. That's causing some smoke to come out of her body.

-Lloyd: (makes Blair unable to move) Blair!
-Blair: Lloyd... Just do it. Kill me, end with this suffering... (laughs)
-Lloyd: You know that I don't want to do this.
-Blair: It's your only option. Me or her. One of us will die today.
-Lloyd: Blair, I'm sorry...
-Blair: (let a tear fall) You know that I loved you, right?
-Lloyd: I know (stabs her while holding her between your arms)

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