Chapter 24

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-Time skip eight days later-

It took them a damn week to get everything ready to leave, and it took us a day to reach Earth. Now, I forgot that I left from Transylvania, so we'll need to travel to Fukushima now. 

-Geovnorf: And the underworld city that you mentioned? 
-Lloyd: It's not here, as you can see… (sighs) The problem of the magic circles is this one, I can't choose where to appear or where to return. 
-Geovnorf: What a useless power… (rolls his eyes) So this is what everyone calls the outside, huh? I don't see why it is much better than our tunnels… 
-Lloyd: Here we have pure air, and down there you don't. That's why you smell that horribly… 
-Geovnorf: If you don't like our smell, you shouldn't had come to our world-
-Lloyd: Geovnorf, it's been a week with you all, I lost my sense of smell… I'm okay now. 
-Geovnorf: Anyway, what's the plan now? 
-Lloyd: The plan is to travel to Fukushima, but since sunlight can't touch you, we have to wait until night… It will be a long trip. 
-Geovnorf: So a long trip, huh? (smirks) You alone, with all of us? 
-Lloyd: Yeah, why? 
-Geovnorf: Nothing, nothing, just that anyone would be scared…
-Lloyd: I am not anyone, I'm Lloyd Bishop, a really pissed wizard who owns Fenrir. Who should be the scared one? 
-Geovnorf: You are right, you are right… We'll leave whenever you order us to (fake smiles) 
-Lloyd: (nods) 


-Time skip a month and a week later-

We are currently finishing building the main building, when suddenly I hear someone running towards me. I turn around and bump into Luna's face. 

-Clive: What the hell?! You really scared me… What happens now? I thought that you were helping the others with the vegetable patch… 
-Luna: And I was until I almost lost my sense of smell because of a rotten fragrance… 
-Clive: Rotten fragrance? 
-Luna: (nods) You know that werewolves are really sensitive with smellings, and I promise you, that something or someone died, or at least, that's how it smells like. 
-Clive: (looking around) I don't think that's possible Luna, I haven't been informed of anyone being sick or really injured. 
-Luna: My nose is not lying! Something happens (serious) 
-Clive: We have better things to do, Luna. Just ignore it, okay? 
-Luna: But-
-Mike: Clive (spots Luna) Oh, I'm interrupting something? 
-Clive: No, no, anything… What happens? (smiles) 
-Mike: We have great news, we have spotted Lloyd. He's arriving, he's at the entrance of the tunnel along the dark elves. 
-Clive: Really?! (sighs in relief) What a relief, he has taken a lot to return… I was starting to worry. 
-Mike: There's a lot of dark elves (smiles) They are really different from the light ones… Also their smell, I don't know how we will stand it. 
-Luna: (hits Clive) I told you that my nose was not lying! 
-Clive: You really can smell it from here? The entrance is like two kilometers away from the city, that's amazing. 
-Luna: I know (smirks) Werewolves skills, baby (winks and leaves) 
-Clive: (slightly blushed) Where are you going? 
-Luna: Of course, I'm coming to greet Lloyd (smiles) He must be tired of this trip. 
-Clive: Wait, I'm coming along you (gets down the rooftop) 


We are already inside the underworld that Clive and the rest created, I must say that I'm impressed. They are really amazing. This place will be our secret basement against the church. 

-Geovnorf: Ah, this almost feels like home… It lacks tunnels, but it's enough for us. 
-Lloyd: I'm glad you like it (smiles) You must be in your best condition for the fight. 
-Geovnorf: We will, we will, just wait… (smirks) 

We keep on going until we reach a wooden wall, with a poster at the top that says "Hellmond", so that's the name of our city, huh? I like it. 

Suddenly, the door at the middle of the wall opens revealing Luna and Clive. I missed them, I really did! Although I have been able to handle the dark elves, I could feel the hostility against me. 

-Lloyd: Luna! Clive! (greets them) Long time no see, huh? 
-Luna: Gosh Lloyd, did you scout elves as allies or zombies? They smell like rotten… 
-Lloyd: Ah sorry, they lack of air in the underworld so there's no ventilation (chuckles) 
-Clive: (smacks his head) You've taken too much to return, I was worried, you know? (sighs) 
-Lloyd: I'm sorry, the way from Transylvania until here has been really long… However, you've done amazing here. Is it ready? 
-Clive: No, not yet (smiles) We still need to build some other buildings such as an infirmary, and more little houses for everyone who joins us. 
-Lloyd: Let's get into it, I'll use my crafting to help (smiles) 
-Luna: What about them? (points to the dark elves) 
-Lloyd: Hmmm, they can help building too (smiles) Geovnorf, come here, you have work to do. 
-Geovnorf: What is this? A vampire and a werewolf? (with a disgusting face) 
-Lloyd: Yeah, and they are my best friends, so you better treat them how they deserve… 
-Geovnorf: Don't worry, we will (smirks) 
-Lloyd: So, I need you to help us with the buildings… 
-Geovnorf: We would like to, but the trip has been long, can we rest until tomorrow? 
-Clive: Yeah, let them rest Lloyd, they look exhausted. 
-Lloyd: Okay, then-
-Geovnorf: We'll stay outside the city until tomorrow (fake smiles) You should rest too. 
-Lloyd: Okay, tomorrow we'll start working again. 


We will see what happens tomorrow, little and bold wizard. If you think that you can control us just because you own that stupid huge monster, you are totally wrong. 

Dark elves are much smarter than what they look like, you shouldn't underestimate us. We'll take revenge for the humiliation we have received, hmmm let's see… Hellmond looks like a nice place to live in, how about if we start our revenge by taking over it? 

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