Chapter 7

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-Time skip to the next day-

We are currently heading to the stadium where the concert will be hold. We need to do the sound check and also make sure that the stage conditions are enough for our performance.

-Yeji: Yuna-ssi, are you okay?
-Yuna: I am, why are you asking?
-Yeji: Well, you have eyes bags... I
I thought that maybe you were not feeling well.
-Yuna: Ah, don't worry (yawns) I just didn't get too much sleep...
-Lia: Will you be able to perform in this state?
-Yuna: Of course! I need to show MIDZY an energetic self... I'll do my best, there's seriously no need to worry.
-Yeji: Okay, but if you ever feel like you need to rest, just talk with us, okay? (smiles)
-Yuna: (nods)

Our way to the stadium was silent after that few talks, so I decided to take a quick nap. I wonder where Lloyd is right now. Did he return to wherever he was? Or is he still in Daegu?

The only way to know that is using a chess board, and of course there's none around. I should just focus on our rehearsal. The stage is quite different from usual, and there seems to be new staff too.

Chaeryeong said that we are becoming more popular every time, I guess that's why we need more people helping us. I'm actually really happy and excited when I think about it.

-Manager: Yuna-ssi, the make up stylist is calling for you (smiles)
-Yuna: Yeah, I'm coming (starts heading to the backstage room) There's new staff...
-Manager: Yeah, PD-nim hired them because the stage required more details and we were lacking in personnel...
-Yuna: I'm really excited, I can't wait to meet MIDZY.
-Stylist: However, you should relax from time to time and take a rest. You need to sleep. It'll be almost impossible to hide this eye bags... (sighs)
-Yuna: I'm sorry, something happened yesterday and I couldn't return to the room... (looks down)
-Manager: Oh right, did you find the chess piece?
-Yuna: (nods) Yeah, and what a relief. I wouldn't have been able to perform without it (chuckles)
-Manager: Everything good then, we'll return fast to the hotel after the concert so that you can sleep (smiles)
-Yuna: Thank you (smiles)

I wait for the rest of the members to be done getting ready, and then we headed to our initial positions at the stage. I can hear everyone cheering for us, this drives chills all over my body. Here we go, it's showtime!

The concert goes on as expected. We nailed the performance, and MIDZY as always cheered really loud. Ah really, this makes me feel like what we do is worth it.

One day I would like to perform for Lloyd, in sure that he would love it. I can already imagine it... Him sitting in the first row with a lightstick and smiling sincerely while looking at me. Ah, I want to see his real smile, not the sad one.

-Ryujin: Good job everyone (smiles while sweating)
-Chaeryeong: Gosh, we left our souls at the stage... It was really hot. It should be forbidden to perform on summer (jokes)
-Everyone: (laughs)
-Manager: Yuna-ssi, the staff is calling for you. Apparently they got you an energetic drink or something like that... (smiles)
-Yuna: Ah really?! (chuckles) Where are they?
-Manager: They are at the other room waiting for you (smiles)
-Yuna: (nods and heads to the room)

I head to the room where the staff members are waiting for me with the energetic drink. Ah, they may be newbies, but they are really kind. I mustn't forget to thank them properly.

-Yuna: Hi, thanks for your hard work (smiles)
-Staff: Thanks to you too (smiles and hands you the bottle)
-Yuna: Thanks for being so kind to me, I really need this drink (chuckles and starts drinking it)
-Staff: Does it taste good?
-Yuna: Yeah... (feeling even more sleepy) But, I feel really sleepy still (yawn) I feel like I need to lay down and...


And sweet dreams. It was easier than what I thought it would be. Now we just need to take her out of this place and then once we get rid of the rest of the staff and the manager team. We'll be able to finish the job.

-Blair: Kandall, take her to where you know (smirks) We'll finish the work later. Make sure she's not able to move once she wakes up...
-Kandall: Don't worry, she won't be able to move an inch (chuckles and drags her out)

And now, I'll need to continue with our plan before I contact the Oracle. He better give us what we want as a reward after this.

No matter how hard it is, I'll make sure that Lloyd belongs to me. He'll live eternally with me, there's not a better plan, right? Anyway, it's not time to daydream. These annoying humans are still here.

-Blair: (rushing inside the other room) Excuse me, could you give this bottle of energetic drink to Yuna-ssi? (smiles) I was waiting for her, but she didn't appear so...
-Manager: She hasn't met you yet? (worried) Where's this kid?
-Lia: Maybe she's at the toilet, do you want me to check on her?
-Manager: Yes please, we need to find her before any crazy fan finds her first.
-Chaeryeong: Don't call MIDZY "crazy"! (pouts)
-Manager: Okay, okay, whatever... We need to find her fast!

Cool, try to look for her as much as you want, you won't find her anyway. This is just a waste of time.

*Phone buzzes*

Ugh, who is it now?! It's a very bad timing! I check the ID of the incoming call, of course, it couldn't be none other than my stupid brother.

Blair: Yeah?
Clive: Where are you?
Blair: I'm checking on Lloyd, I told you.
Clive: I called Lloyd and he said that he's already on his way back to Seoul.
Blair: Okay, you caught me... We've been working a lot lately and we barely had a break. I'm taking a little vacation of three days...
Clive: Yah! You can't go on vacation without asking me first! I'm the clan's head and I'm the one taking decisions-
Blair: Oh look, they are about to bring me my drinks. Sorry, I gotta to~ (hangs up)

How annoying. Once I make Lloyd mine, I'll make sure to get rid of this idiot as well. Why is he even the clan's head? He's not half as smart as I am.

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