Chapter 11

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I'm getting ready to leave and return to the village, when suddenly I feel someone's presence and a familiar voice. Gosh, it's been so long since I heard it. 

-???: Oh woah, look who's here… None other than Lloyd Bishop… 
-Lloyd: It amazes me the fact that you can recognise me even with this appearance (chuckles and turns around) How have you been, Luna? 
-Luna: Well, it's been kinda lonely since all of you left (hugs you) By the way, I could recognise you no matter your appearance. You can't fool this (points to her nose) I'm a werewolf dummy~
-Lloyd: That's right (smiles) What brings you here? 
-Luna: Are you seriously asking? Of course I came to visit my best friend, don't tell Blair that I said that (jokes) 
-Lloyd: Oh, uhm… Blair, well… She died not too much ago… 
-Luna: What?! What happened? 
-Lloyd: The church… They won't let us breath (sighs)
-Luna: Aww, I'm really really sorry… (looks down) 
-Lloyd: It's weird listening to a werewolf say so about a vampire… 
-Luna: Ugh, that happened a long time ago, I don't have anything against vampires now. Neither against Clive. 
-Lloyd: (smiles) Would you accept talking with him, then? 
-Luna: Is he here too?
-Lloyd: Yeah, he's resting at my house. Why don't we head there together? 
-Luna: I don't know… Clive and I ended up quite bad… 
-Lloyd: It'll be okay, I half convinced him of meeting you again (smiles) 
-Luna: Really?! (surprised) 
-Lloyd: Yeah, we need to talk about something really important. 
-Luna: You are scaring me, but okay, let's go… I kinda feel excited about reuniting with you again guys (smiles) 

We return back to my house where Clive is lying on the couch. He's not like he's ancestors who used to sleep inside a coffin. He sleeps on the couch like any other creature. 

-Lloyd: Clive, I'm back… But I'm not alone (closes the door) 
-Clive: (gets up) Who are you with-
-Luna: Hi Clive, it's been quite long, right? (smiles) 
-Clive:... (glares at you) 
-Lloyd: What? She came while I was visiting the grave (shrugs) And we were going to look for her anyway… 
-Clive: YOU are the one who was going to look for her. I told you that I don't want to know anything about her. 
-Luna: (sighs) Lloyd, I knew that this would happen… I guess that someone still didn't get over it. 
-Clive: Me? I don't have anything to get over… I don't regret anything. 


-Flashback to five hundred years ago-

Today Moonlight invited me to play. Apparently she said that she discovered an amazing place with an awesome view. I wonder how it is. 

-Moonlight: Clive! (smiles and runs towards you) 
-Clive: Hey there Moony (smiles) 
-Moonlight: Are you ready for our adventure? (proudly) You are gonna be shocked! (starts dragging you) 
-Clive: Luna is not coming? 
-Moonlight: She's with the girl that Lloyd likes (chuckles) Apparently she said that she would help them to get together or something like that. If I'm honest, I think that we are still too young for love. 
-Clive: Ah, really? 
-Moonlight: (stops running) Are you interested in someone? (smirks) 
-Clive: What? I am not! (embarrassed) Love is something disgusting… Of course I-I am not interested… 
-Moonlight: If you say so… 

We then continued walking through the forest near the village until we reached a cliff. Dad told me not to come around here cause this is a dangerous place. 

-Moonlight: Don't tell me that the view here is not the best one ever?! 
-Clive: Maybe, but we shouldn't be here… This place is dangerous, the floor could fracture and we could fall.
-Moonlight: What are you saying?! We are on an adventure! Plus, this is totally stable (starts running to the edge) 
-Clive: Wait, Moony, don't! 

And just as dad warned me, the floor broke and Moonlight too. I run as fast as possible and throw myself to the ground in order to catch her. 

Luckily, I got to grab her arm, still she's floating in the air, and I am not too strong if I'm honest. However, I need to save her!

-Clive: (struggling) Ugh… 
-Moonlight: Ahh… (looks down) Oh my god… 
-Clive: Agh! (trying to pull her up) 
-Moonlight: You were right after all… (sighs) 
-Clive: Don't worry, I'll help you to get up… 
-Moonlight: It's impossible! It is already a miracle that you are holding me right now… (looks up to Clive) Clive… 
-Clive: What? It's a really bad timing for talking…
-Moonlight: Bite me. 
-Clive: What?! 
-Moonlight: Vampires get stronger with blood… Even more from strong magical creatures like me. So bite me, please. I'm going to die anyway...
-Clive: I-I can't do that, you are my friend and-
-Moonlight: Clive! 
-Clive: (gulps and takes a deep breath) Okay… 

I then get closer to her wrist and bite her to start sucking her blood. I can see my scarlet eyes in hers. She must be really scared right now… However, her pulse is normal. She's really amazing. 

-Clive: (stops) You'll pass out if I suck more… 

Suddenly, the floor starts breaking again, this is seriously a bad timing! I haven't pulled her up yet! 

-Moonlight: Clive, run away! 
-Clive: What?! I'm not going to do that! 
-Moonlight: We'll both die if you don't do it, please… 
-Clive: But-
-Moonlight: Now you have my blood, you are stronger! (forces a smile) You can protect Luna. 
-Clive: Huh? 
-Moonlight: I noticed the way you look at her, and now you'll be able to protect her for me (smiles) You'll do it, right? (let go your hand while tearing) 
-Clive: (yelling at the top of his lungs) Moony! 

I can just see her falling along some huge rocks, how did our adventure end this way?! Suddenly, I hear how someone is approaching me… 

-???: Is that blood around your mouth werewolf's blood? 
-Clive: What? 
-???: (smelling you) This is werewolf blood! Everyone! A vampire broke the rule! 
-Clive: No, no, that's not what happened! 

Everyone suddenly gathers at the village's square, and all their looks are stuck on me. This is horrible… While looking around, I spot Lloyd, Luna and at the other side, my father along Blair. 

-Someone: Where's Moonlight? 
-Someone 2: She hasn't returned yet, and that kid has her scent really strong… 
-Someone: That blood around his mouth belongs to her! He's a killer! 

And then, from a moment to another, I turned into a killer. Blamed by  Moonlight's dead. Someone, please help me, I didn't do anything. I wanted to save her! 

-Luna: (crying) Why did you do it?! You are a monster! 
-Lloyd: (shocked) Clive… 
-Clive: I didn't do anything! (starts crying) 

Suddenly, my father comes and stands in front of me hiding me. He's standing against Luna and Moonlight's father. I don't want to be here anymore… 

-End flashback-

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