Chapter 5

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And what am I supposed to do now? Out of everyone, it had to be Kandall? I always thought that he was like a younger brother to me... How can he join the people who's against his own being? I need to talk with Clive. 

I get inside the main room where the loud music is almost about to make my ears bleed. Where's Clive? I need to tell him about Kandall stabbing our back... 

-Lloyd: Blair, where's Clive? 
-Blair: You want to be mine? (surprised) Oppa, you are rushing too much (jokes) 
-Lloyd: I'm serious, something happened... I need to talk with your brother. 
-Blair: What happened? 
-Lloyd: I need to tell him first, have you seen him? 
-Blair: I think that he left for another room with some of his suitors... 
-Lloyd: (rolls your eyes) This player... 
-Blair: But oppa, you need to tell me what happens later, okay? 
-Lloyd: (nods) 

I leave the main room and start looking around the campus for Clive. He has always been a player, but lately it got much worse. Why is he insisting on finding his meant to be? 

Finally, I heard some laughs coming from a room, I knocked on the door and asked for permission to come in. 

-Clive: What happens Lloyd? Got tired of your party? (chuckles) 
-Lloyd: I wouldn't say that I got tired... Do we have problems? No… We have serious problems. 
-Clive: Ugh... What could go wrong now? You are jealous because you don't have your little girl here? (jokes) 
-Lloyd: Clive please... Girls, could you leave us alone? 
-Girl: Ugh, you were fun before Lloyd... 
-Girl 2: Yeah, you are too tense... 

They two leave and then I find Clive preparing another cup of blood. He's way too relaxed, I'm sorry but I need to tell him about Kandall. 

-Lloyd: Kandall is gone. 
-Clive: So? You made the girls leave just because of that? 
-Lloyd: Clive... Kandall has always been like our own little brother, but he's a traitor. I caught him with the church's mark... He's one of them. 
-Clive: What are you saying? 
-Lloyd: I'm serious Clive, Kandall is with them and he got some private information. He doesn't only know about Yuna, but also about this campus! You worked too hard to lose it all now... (sighs) We need to do something... 
-Clive: Where's him? 
-Lloyd: I don't know, he escaped the moment I caught him... He jumped from the balcony. 
-Clive: And you didn't stop him?! 
-Lloyd: First of all, you know that I don't have all my powers, they are unstable because Yuna is not with me. Second, you know that  my invocations take some time… And third I'm specialized in crafting and all the tools I've created were not with me. Why would I bring them to a party ?! I couldn't stop him! 
-Clive: (sighs) We are screwed now... 
-Lloyd: Clive, react. We need to do something. What if there's someone else apart from Kandall who joined the church?! 
-Clive: You are right, there's only a way of discovering so... (smirks) Naked. Everyone naked. 
-Lloyd: It's creepy if you say it like that... 
-Clive: Let's head to the main room, there's no time to waste.

We head to the main room and Clive turns the music off making everyone look at him. If I'm honest, I'm really sorry that we are having problems on our first day.

-Clive: Okay everyone... We need to stop partying because we have problems. One of our brothers has betrayed us by joining the church.

Everyone then starts mumbling and whispering to each other. Clive needs to be serious about this. We need to move fast and solve this.

-Clive: Since we don't know if there's any other of them between us, we are gonna go naked to check it! (takes a deep breath) With all the responsibility it takes, girls follow me to another room... I'll make sure that your bodies don't hide any tattoos related to the church...

Suddenly, I spot a cup flying and hitting Clive's head. I think that someone's not happy with the idea of him checking out the girls. And I understand it...

-Clive: Who was it?! (pissed)
-Blair: (raises her arm) Me! You dumb idiot, you are not gonna check on the girls... Check the boys, and in any case... (shy) If Lloyd wants to come with us...
-Clive: Huh?! You accept Lloyd but you don't want your brother to-
-Blair: I have more cups, just so you know... (glares at him)
-Clive: Okay, okay... Then I trust you to check on them (smiles awkwardly)
-Blair: Lloyd oppa-
-Lloyd: Sorry... I need to do something else... (smiles)
-Clive: What are you going to do?
-Lloyd: I'll make sure that they don't find Yuna...
-Clive: Are you rejecting seeing vampire girls naked?
-Lloyd: (nods)
-Clive: Where's your manhood? (jokes)
-Lloyd: It belongs to Yuna, you know (smiles and leaves) 


-Already in Busan-

I had to make up with Ryujin unnie because I wanted the chess piece back. Now I'm in my room with Chaeryeong, but she said that she was tired and she decided to sleep. 

I don't really want to head to the unnie's room, so I guess that I'll just walk around the hotel. Sometimes there's different events, so it is always fun. 

-Manager: Yuna-ssi, where are you going? 
-Yuna: I'm bored... I thought that maybe the hotel holds some kind of event... (smiles) 
-Manager: Actually it does, the national chess team is here, they are having some kind of tournament (smiles) 
-Yuna: Ugh, what's worse than a chess tournament? How boring... 
-Manager: Really? I thought that you were interested... I mean you have the special chess piece-
-Yuna: Ah! That's right! You said that the national chess team is here? Maybe Lloyd's real appearance is the national's chess team ace... (gasps) How didn't I think about this possibility?! Lloyd might be here! 
-Manager: (confused) First of all, who's Lloyd? And second, now you want to attend the event? 
-Yuna: Yes! 

Me along manager oppa, head to the second floor where the chess tournament is hold. If my new hypothesis is right, I'll reunite with Lloyd now. 

-Manager: And... Here we are (smiles) Interesting, huh? 
-Yuna: Yeah, well... (looks around) 

He's not here... Ah, I really thought that this could be one of his appearances... Guess I was wrong. Now that I come to think about it, here there are some chess boards. Maybe I can check if those points that I saw are still here... 

I put my hand inside my pocket, but it is empty. I checked the other one and still nothing... It can't be, I can't have lost the chess piece! Lloyd told me to keep it up all the time! 

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