Chapter 28

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-Time skip to the next day-

-Lloyd: You really didn't need to come with me until Incheon (smiles) What if anyone spotted you? 
-Yuna: I insist. How would I let you leave without bidding goodbye to you? (smiles) Plus, I'm still a little bit confused about everything… (looks down) 
-Lloyd: I guess it was too much information at once… (chuckles) I'm sorry, you ended up involved in this and it is making you have a harder time. 
-Yuna: Well, I won't lie, it's really shocking to know that you are a reincarnation, that magic exists, that there's going to be a fierce battle… It just sounds like a movie. 
-Lloyd: That's because magic creatures have been chased by the church, if they actually allowed us to live peacefully, humans would have gotten used to us and it wouldn't be surprising (sighs) I'll soon change that, hopefully. 
-Yuna: Where are you going now? 
-Lloyd: Hmmm… I have decided to start in New Delhi, India (smiles) And then I'll pick up everything in Europe. 
-Yuna: It feels as if you were going on a world tour… (jokes) 
-Lloyd: I wished it was a world tour, for me it's the last stage before risking it all (looks down)
-Yuna: You need to take care, okay? 
-Lloyd: I will (smiles weakly) Plus, I'll come for the chess piece before we attack. So, I hope you have the answer I asked for by then. 
-Yuna: I-I will try… (embarrassed) 
-Lloyd: (smiles) Yuna-

"Flight to New Delhi in ten minutes" 

-Lloyd: Sorry, I have to leave (pats her head)
-Yuna: Lloyd (grabs your arm) 
-Lloyd: Please, I promise that I'll return. 
-Yuna: (starts tearing while letting you go) I'll be waiting for you. 

Here I go, there's no way back. Once again, I have to leave the girl I love in order to protect her. I really wished I could stay some more. Maybe in another life, we'll have a happy ending. 

-Time skip a week later-

Well, I'm already done with Europe. It's been really tiring, but it also brought me a lot of memories as I visited the different cities. Now I need to travel to America. 

I think that I'll start in Chile, probably later on I'll head to Argentina. I don't have time to waste, I need to be really fast. That monster probably knows that I'm moving. 


I have called my army of Soldiers of Light because I have something really important to communicate. The revelation's day is about to arrive, the day where the Earth will turn into a place only for humans. 

-Oracle: My dear servants of lights, you may probably wonder why am I calling all of you today… The truth is that I received the call, the call from our powerful lord. He warned me about the biggest abomination coming for us. 
-Everyone: (start mumbling) 
-Oracle: Don't worry though. As the loyal and obedient organisation we are, we were rewarded with this magical map that helps us to control his movements (projects it in a huge screen) The problem is, that he's moving too fast. And that only means one thing, the final fight is near! Those stupid and cursed objects that were spread around the world, are now being picked up so he gets back all his power. We must not fear him, however. We have been prepared for this, we have the weapons and the knowledge to end with all each of those creatures! I say to all of the Lord's servants, we are ready to face what's coming. The revelation's day is coming! And it'll be a victory for humans! 
-Everyone: Yeah! 
-Oracle: Get ready for what's coming, we won't allow anyone to steal what belongs to us! (laughs evilly) 


We are currently training for the final fight, when suddenly I spot that Clive has been injured. I rush over him but once I reach him, he's already being carried by a lot of girls to the infirmary. Since when is he this popular? 

-Geovnorf: You shouldn't allow anyone to catch off guard (tries to kick her) 
-Luna: (blocks the kick) It's not that easy, anyway (smirks) 
-Geovnorf: Well, you may have avoided this one, but I promise you that in your actual state, you wouldn't survive fighting for more than three minutes. 
-Luna: Are you trying to piss me off? I thought that Lloyd taught you what would happen if you-
-Geovnorf: Hey, I'm not telling you that to offend you, but to help you. You are being distracted lately. Is there something wrong? 
-Luna: It is not (sighs and takes a seat to drink water) I just want to finish with all of this as soon as possible. 
-Geovnorf: Everyone wants that, that's why they are giving their best while training. However, you… You space out way too much. So, it's quite obvious that something is bothering you. 
-Luna: Ugh, fine… How annoying can be dark elves, you notice everything (looks down) 
-Geovnorf: We would be awesome psychologists (jokes) So, what is it? 
-Luna: I don't know… Isn't Clive acting kinda different lately? 
-Geovnorf: What do you mean? 
-Luna: Why is he always surrounded by so many girls? That will distract him! He should stop being a player… 
-Geovnorf: But he has always been like that. Didn't you notice before? Clive is the vampires' leader, he has the looks and a kind of interesting personality. I think that it would be weird if he didn't have people behind him… (chuckles) 
-Luna: Oh woah, you have learnt how to compliment other people apart from dark elves. 
-Geovnorf: Yeah, and as I could observe, you have learnt to look at him in another way (smirks and leaves) 
-Luna: Hey! What do you mean by that?! 
-Geovnorf: I'm no one to tell, you should discover that by yourself. Why don't you start by checking on him? I'm sure that it was nothing serious, but it's always nice to know that someone worries about you (shrugs) 

Looking at Clive in another way? What kind of nonsense is that one? But anyway, he's right, I should at least visit him. 

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