Chapter 13

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-Once back at home-

-Lloyd: Hey Clive, I'm here… 
-Clive: (opens the door) Where were you? I thought that we agreed to meet at midnight? 
-Lloyd: Yeah, I'm sorry. I had to finish crafting, it leaves me exhausted, you know? 
-Clive: If you are exhausted, how are you going to beat me in the race at the labyrinth? (smirks) 
-Lloyd: Ah you'll see (chuckles) A wizard never reveals his tricks (smiles and shrugs) Let's get going already. 
-Clive: You take the lead my friend. 

We then head towards the labyrinth where Luna is already trying to escape. I hope this works out cause I'm running out of ideas to make them make up. And we need allies, no more enemies please. 

-Lloyd: So, this is the labyrinth that I've created (smiles) I have named him "Honest" 
-Clive: "Honest"? Why is it named like that? 
-Lloyd: Because the only way to find the exit is being honest (smiles) Or in other words… (pushes Clive inside) You need to tell her about your innocence! Good luck~
-Clive: What?! Lloyd you-(the labyrinth's door closes) 

It is done, it's time for Clive  to face the past. I hope this helps him not only to go back to normal with Luna, but also to end with any regret he could have. We need to free our minds in order to focus on the last fight against the church. 

Well, my job here is done. I'll return back home and recover from the last crafting. It really gets me tired. I wonder how Yuna is doing... Is Cerberus taking good care of her? 


I can't believe what he just did. He seriously locked me in the labyrinth with that heartless woman?! I swear to god that I'll punish him how he deserves once I leave this place. 

-Clive: Agh! (hits the door) You'll pay for this Lloyd! I know you hear me! (pissed) 

I turn around and face the infinite ways waiting for me. It doesn't matter if I try to use my vampire powers, he clearly said that to escape this place I need to be honest. 

-Luna: Lloyd? (appears behind Clive) 
-Clive: (sighs and turns around) Awesome, we meet again. 
-Luna: You! What the hell are you doing here? 
-Clive: It's none of your business… (starts walking away) 
-Luna: Hey wait! You'll get lost. 
-Clive: Please, we are inside a fucking labyrinth… Being lost is what makes it funny (rolls his eyes) 
-Luna: You don't need to act that way with me, I'm trying to be nice with you. 
-Clive: I didn't ask for such treatment. 
-Luna: It's amazing how the adorable kid you were, turned into a complete cold monster. 
-Clive: You better stop right there. 
-Luna: Or else what? Will you kill me? Sick my blood? I'm not afraid of-
-Clive: (pins her against the wall) You don't know anything! Just shut that mouth of yours which only blurts nonsense! (pissed) 
-Luna:... (looking straight to his eyes) 
-Clive: Ugh! I can't do this (starts walking again) 
-Luna: (mumbling) He's insane, he scared me… 

I keep on walking trying to memorise the paths I'm taking. I may not be able to use my powers, but I won't follow Lloyd's instructions either. I don't need her. I never did. I'll find the exit by myself. 

This must have some kind of patron, I just need to concentrate. I'll solve this and teach Lloyd a lesson. Yeah, I can do it. I keep on walking when suddenly I hear a big noise. 

I turn around and spot a wall moving, don't tell me, does the patron change every time?! How the hell am I going to find the exit now? 

-Luna: Ahh (appears running) Damn, that was so scary… These walls are moving! Lloyd really improved with his powers, I should start fearing him (sigh and notice Clive) Ugh, I should have stayed on the other wall side. 
-Clive: Yeah, you should (sits against the wall) 
-Luna: What are you doing? Aren't you going to look for the exit?
-Clive: I need to think of a plan first, idiot. How can you be so reckless to just run around without knowing what you are doing? (closes his eyes) 
-Luna: (sits against the wall top) At least I'm trying my best… 

Suddenly, a silence surrounds us, it is not as if it was an awkward one, actually it feels great. I need this peaceful moment right now, it'll help me to calm down. And if I'm calmed, I'll think better since I'll have the ideas clearer. 

-Luna: What happened that day? 
-Clive: Huh? 
-Luna: That day when you know… My sister died (avoiding looking at you) 
-Clive: Why are you asking that now? 
-Luna: I want to know your version too (looks down) That blood around your mouth… It was hers, right? 
-Clive: (sighs) It was. 
-Luna: I knew it…
-Clive: However, it was not my idea.
-Luna: What do you mean? 
-Clive: We were playing, but she guided me to a dangerous cliff. The floor was not stable and although I insisted on not playing there, she did. Of course she then fell but I managed to take her hand on time. 
-Luna: That doesn't explain the blood around your mouth. 
-Clive: Can you keep on listening? I hadn't finished yet (sighs) By that time I was still a kid, I didn't have enough strength to pull her up again… That's why she told me to bite her. You know that vampires get stronger with other creatures' blood. 
-Luna: Then, you were just trying to save her?! (surprised) 
-Clive: (nods) 
-Luna: W-Why didn't you get back together then? 
-Clive: The floor was not stable yet, and we both would have died if it wasn't because she sacrificed (let some tears fall) I wanted to save her damn! 
-Luna: (shocked) Clive… 
-Clive: Fuck, what pisses me off the most is what she last said (sobs) I broke my promise with her. I'm horrible. 
-Luna: What? What did she say? 
-Clive: She said that now that I had her blood, I was strong enough to protect you… However, I just ran away and avoided you. 
-Luna: You're not lying, right? (with a shaking voice)
-Clive: I'm not. Why would I lie to you after so many years. (one tear escaped from one of his eyes)
-Luna: (starts tearing) Moonlight… 
-Clive: I hate this… (tries to get up) 
-Luna: (pulls his sleeve) Don't leave. You have to protect me, Clive. (with teary eyes) 
-Clive: (turns around and looks at her) It's too late for-
-Luna: It is not, idiot! (hugs him) It's not late! We can start over again! We can do it better! (smiles although she's crying) 
-Clive: (hugs her back tightly) 

Suddenly, some walls started moving again, and right in front of us, a clear path was created. I can already see the exit of the labyrinth. Lloyd didn't lie when he said that the name is "Honest". I feel really relieved after finally being able to explain everything. 

-Luna: Alright (forcing to smile) We should live happily for Moonlight. Not only for her, also for our beloved ones. I haven't told you yet, but I'm really sorry about what happened with Blair. 
-Clive: Yeah… (looks down) 
-Luna: (offers him her hand) We can start all over again, right? (smiles) 
-Clive: (sighs and takes her hand) I guess we can (smiles) 

And that way, while holding hands as a sign of our reconciliation, we left the labyrinth where we faced our past and got ready for our future. I really feel like a renewed person now. 

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