Chapter 20

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I had to create another magic circle in order to return back home. Right now I'm in London. The apartment where I did the first circle is now burnt to ashes. How cruel can the church be?

I wonder what happens to Mike and the rest, I hope they made it and survived. Now, I need to return back to Transylvania. My visit to the light elves has not been as good as I thought it would. I have literally wasted a month. Will I regret it in the future?

-Time skip four days later-

My way back to Transylvania has been really quiet and peaceful. It reminds me of the first years after I got cursed. I didn't want anyone around me, so I used to get lost on purpose through the forest.

However, I have needed to invoke some creatures to protect me during nights. Who knows, there are churches everywhere, I don't know when they could attack.

Agh, I need a nice sleep. Two magic circles, crafting, and invocations on a single day, I'm dead tired. I have used too much my powers. At least, I'm already seeing the village's entrance.

I just need to walk some more steps...

-Time skip ???-

I open my eyes slowly and realize that I'm back at home. When did I arrive? I don't remember it. I haven't greeted anyone either.

-Clive: Yo, good morning Sleeping Beauty (smiles)
-Lloyd: Ugh, Clive? (hold your head) I have a horrible headache...
-Clive: Of course, you used a lot of your powers lately, right?
-Lloyd: Indeed I did (sighs)
-Clive: One of the vampires found you unconscious near the entrance two days ago. I was really worried.
-Lloyd: What do you mean two days ago?
-Clive: You've been sleeping two days straight, there was no way to wake you up (chuckles) For a moment, we thought that you finally died (jokes)
-Lloyd: I wish... (giggles and tries to get up)
-Clive: Hey, hey, what are you doing?
-Lloyd: We can't waste more time, Clive. I wasted a whole month in Alfheim for nothing...
-Clive: Alfheim? You've been visiting the elves? (surprised)
-Lloyd: (nods) I reunited with my friend Baron.
-Clive: So, how was it?
-Lloyd: Horrible... He just used me for improving the city with my powers. Ugh, the condition he gave me for joining us was marrying his daughter and moving there (looks down) I'm sorry Clive, but there's no way I would accept that.
-Clive: I understand, there's no need to apologise (smiles) You can't force your heart to love someone.
-Lloyd: What about you?
-Clive: What do you mean? I have no romantic interests right now...
-Lloyd: Not that silly, how was it with the werewolves? Where's Luna?
-Clive: Ah, that... (looks down)
-Lloyd: What? What happened?!
-Clive: (smiles) Mission completed, they joined us. And that's not all, I proved that I'm innocent too!
-Lloyd: (hits him) You scared him (sighs in relief) Then, where are the werewolves?
-Clive: Outside with the vampires, right now it's impossible to differentiate them (smiles) We are just a group of people fighting for our rights. It was hard, but this proves that there's not any difference between us.
-Lloyd: (smiles) I should greet them, and later we should have a talk.
-Clive: About what?
-Lloyd: About a plan B. We are not enough yet... By the way, is Mike and the rest okay?
-Clive: Hmm, they are still recovering from that fight against those Soldiers of Light. They are really strong.
-Lloyd: Ugh... I hate the fact that their sacrifice meant nothing because the light elves didn't accept to join (looks down)
-Clive: (pats his back) Hey, don't blame yourself. You've tried and you've done your best. That's enough (smiles) Let's greet the rest and let's have that reunion later.
-Lloyd: (nods) Let's go. Also, give me something to eat, please (his tummy growls)
-Clive: (chuckles) Sure!

We greeted all the vampires and werewolves, and once I was done showing my respects, I had my meal. After eating, I decided to visit Mike, John and Elias at the infirmary.

-Lloyd: Can I come in?
-Elias: You sure can, Lloyd (smiles weakly)
-Lloyd: How are you all? Will you recover soon?
-John: Yeah, it is nothing serious...
-Mike: But those Soldiers of Light are really dangerous. The light that their weapons own, it hurts a lot. It makes you blind and that's when they attack you... (sighs) They are cowards.
-Elias: That's it, I would like to see how would they face us without using that shitty tricks (starts coughing)
-Lloyd: Please, don't force yourself!
-Elias: I'm okay, I'm okay, don't worry (smiles)
-Mike: How was it? Did it work?
-Lloyd: It didn't... (looks down) I'm sorry. You sacrificed and fought fiercely, but I didn't get to achieve our goal.
-John: It's okay Lloyd, not everything works out nicely on the first try.
-Elias: Yeah, what matters is never stopping, never giving up! (smiles)
-Lloyd: Thanks guys... That encourages me a lot! (determined) I'll have a talk with Clive now, I have another idea.
-Mike: Go for it, we trust you (smiles)
-Lloyd: (nods) I'll come to visit you later (smiles and leaves)

I return back to my house where I find Clive and Luna chatting casually while drinking a cup of tea and blood. It makes me really happy seeing them like that again, it reminds me of the old times.

-Lloyd: Am I interrupting something, love birds? (jokes)
-Luna: (embarrassed) What are you saying?!
-Clive: (serious) Yeah, what are you saying? It's obvious that we were just talking while waiting for you (gets up) Can we start the reunion?
-Luna: (bites her lip and looks down)
-Lloyd: Did I say something bad?
-Clive: Just shut it and let's focus on what really matters.

Woah, when love is mentioned, the tension increased to the point that it could be cut with a scissor. Anyway, I need to focus on what we are going to do next. As the boys said, we can't stop. Neither giving up. We need allies, and we'll find them!

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