Chapter 6

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Guess I'll need to do this in order to approach him a little bit more. Gosh, it's not as if I actually want to check every girl's body.

-Blair: Okay, I already made sure that no one is able to enter this place... And if any pervert dares to try, we'll make sure that he regrets... Now, take of your clothes please (smiles)
-All the girls: Yeah!

They all go naked and one by one I check them all. This is actually a waste of time, I already know that none of them belong to the church. The reason? Well-

-Clive: (from the other side of the door) Are you already done? Here we are...
-Blair: Yeah (opens the door) Nothing... There's not any traitor (smiles)
-Clive: (sighs in relief) Awesome I feel much better now...
-Mike: However, we should improve the campus' security...
-Clive: Nice idea, c'mon Blair, let's start working!
-Blair: Uhm, I was actually thinking of approaching Lloyd (smiles) He needs protection...
-Clive: You are right, but give up already... You know that he belongs to that girl (teasing)
-Blair: I don't want to hear your nonsense, I'm leaving... 

I leave the campus and head to the park near the church. There, I bump into the responsible of this mess, how could he allow Lloyd to discover him that easily?! 

-Kandall: Blair... (smiles) 
-Blair: You are an idiot, you know? How did you allow him to discover you that easily? 
-Kandall: He caught me off guard... (sighs) However, it's not late for us yet (smiles) I'll kill the girl. 
-Blair: I know you will (smiles) I'll pass you the access to the campus later on... Apparently they are working on improving the security. 
-Kandall: I see... I'll talk with the Oracle about it later. 
-Blair: Okay... (smiles) Then I should be leaving too... 
-Kandall: Where are you going? 
-Blair: To "protect" Lloyd, he's gonna check on the girl... 
-Kandall: Then, let me go with you, let's leave tomorrow (smiles) If we attack together, she'll have no chances to survive... 
-Blair: Okay... Then guide me to wherever you are staying over and serve me a nice cup of blood. 
-Kandall: Yeah, yeah... 


-In Seoul-

How weird... The lights are turned off but it is not the time to sleep yet. I wonder if they are at home... Should I actually try to enter? 

I try to enter through her balcony, but then I notice that the door is totally locked. They are not at home. I wonder where she is... The church didn't try anything against her, right? 

I use some of my powers in order to find the chess piece that I gave to her. If she keeps it with her, it'll be really easy to find her. The chess piece is a part of me, so I can actually sense where it is... Oh, Daegu? 

Guess they are having some kind of schedule there... The fact that she's an idol, makes this much difficult but at the same time much easier because the church will struggle as well. Anyway, I should already leave... 


I can't find it... How am I supposed to find the piece when there are thousands that look the same? Even the manager left for his room... It's already late at night. But I need to have it back... 

It must be somewhere... Agh, I probably disappointed Lloyd. When did I lose it? What if I lost it before arriving at the hotel?! Is that even possible... Aw, I don't know what else to do... 

I lay my back against the wall and slowly let myself fall to the ground and later on hug my knees in order to try to hide my tears. That chess piece may seem ordinary, but it is really important somehow. I can feel that. 

Suddenly, out of nowhere, I feel some else's presence... I raise my head slowly to find a hand holding the chess piece. It can't be, is that seriously my piece?! 

-Lloyd: You lost... I ended up finding you before you found me. This is not that interesting... (chuckles) 
-Yuna: (looks straight to your eyes) Y-You! Lloyd... When--How? 
-Lloyd: (smiles) I was getting tired of waiting... I wanted to check if you were improving on your search for me or not... (smirks) 
-Yuna: Are you playing with me?! (pissed) 
-Lloyd: Shhh... Everyone is probably sleeping already. We are in a hotel, we could bother the rest... Low your volume (smiles) 
-Yuna: But you just disappeared the last time! I was really confused... Why did you give me the chess piece? 
-Lloyd: Haven't you found out yet? (giggles) 
-Yuna: I know that this chess piece is special... I mean, I can see some points when I place it on a chess board... 
-Lloyd: Good job... You actually improved, that makes it even better... (smiles) Do you know what the points are? 
-Yuna: I've been trying to discover, but I have no idea... 
-Lloyd: Woah, there's a lot of chess boards here...
-Yuna: Yeah, well... The national team is here so... 
-Lloyd: Why don't you check the points now? (smiles) 
-Yuna: Okay... (places the chess piece in a board and gasps) No way! 
-Lloyd: Shhh, someone could hear us... 
-Yuna: There's a single point now! And it's purple! 
-Lloyd: (chuckles) Uhm... I wonder if you know what happened... 
-Yuna: To create the purple, you need to mix blue and red... So the two points are probably mixed... Is that right? 
-Lloyd: (nods) What do you think that that means? 
-Yuna: That... Lloyd, we are the points? 
-Lloyd: (smiles) You are really smart, well... You have always been. 
-Yuna: Ah! If I knew this before, I would have found you earlier! 
-Lloyd: Yeah, but you lost the game... (chuckles) 
-Yuna: That's not fair... (pouts) 
-Lloyd: It's okay though... We can always play more times. Plus that's not all about the chess piece... (smirks) 
-Yuna: There's more? (surprised) 
-Lloyd: Yuna-ssi... It wouldn't be fun if this was all (chuckles) 
-Yuna: You are trying to look interesting again... (giggles) 
-Lloyd: I'm not trying anything (smiles) 
-Yuna: So, uh.... Are you having holidays here or something like that? (smiles) 
-Lloyd: Actually not... I'll be leaving now. 
-Yuna: Huh?! But we just met again, you can't go... (looks down) 
-Lloyd: (smiles and pats her head) You are working here... And I already did everything I needed to. Now we are playing a new game, let's see if you win... 
-Yuna: I'll discover more about the chess piece and I'll find you! (smirks) 
-Lloyd: I'll be waiting for you then (smiles and tries to leave) 
-Yuna: Lloyd wait! 
-Lloyd: (turns around) Hmm? 
-Yuna: Why is your smile always so sad? 
-Lloyd: Because I don't like leaving your side... (smiles) But I can't stay with you neither... (let a tear fall and leaves) 
-Yuna: Lloyd... No matter what, I'll find you! I promise... 

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