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Lan Wangji instinctively looked up, and found a pair of galaxy eyes identical to Wei Wuxian was examining him with his head full of short silver hair tilted to a side.

"Hi there. Watch out." The young man grinned and he looked so much like himself, and it made Lan Wangji almost forget that he was in the middle of a fight. He looked back to the snake demon, and she was approaching him with terrifying speed. Her features became more and more like a snake now, and the dark shadow surrounding her was bigger than before, but Lan Wangji stopped her with the slashes of his katana that cut open her torso. And yet, the wound was closed in a matter of seconds. 

"Nice, do you need help? People are starting to notice, you know…" The young man jumped down from the tree and produced a black fire from his right palm. "You should be able to cut her with this." Without waiting for an answer, he threw it in Lan Wangji's direction and it shrouded the katana with the black fire, and without further ado, he slashed the snake demon vertically in two with ease.

The black fire burned the parts that were cut by the katana and it prevented the regeneration, so it made the demon scream in pain and slowly turned into dust, leaving behind a strange red marble.

The young man moved quickly to take the marble and examined it, then he turned around to face Lan Wangji with a smile on his face.

"Wow, you are very strong, and that's perfect swordsmanship there." The young man grinned and suddenly Lan Wangji could see himself in him. 

"You are…" He was unsure of what to say, because this was all still very new to him. But the vibe, the ache, the longing, all were saying something to him that he could no longer ignore.

"Ah, forgive me, it was rude of me not to introduce myself to you. My name is Feng Xue, and I am your son."


Father Ben opened his eyes with an excruciating headache, dry mouth, and an unpleasant feeling in his lower region. It was like back when he was a stupid teenager who didn't know better and drank the whole bottle of liquor from his father's locked cabinet. The punishment itself in the form of puking his gut out and head-splitting headache for the next couple days were befitting, since ever since that one incident, he swore to never touch hard liquor again. He wondered what happened that made him lose control like this, when he saw the most beautiful woman standing in front of him, lifting her brow in some kind of… disappointment? She was wearing a beautiful red kimono, strange for this part of the country, but nonetheless she looked like a goddess who just descended from heaven. Strangely, she carried a pair of babies in her arms.

"Oh, you're still alive, I thought you were already dead." She shrugged and turned around, when suddenly her long kimono was pulled by the man she had just observed.

"What happened? Who are you? Where's Lily? Noah?" He was very dizzy and it took him a lot of effort to speak those words, but he had to know. Because the last thing he remembered was the feral look in Noah's eyes, a sign that he was angry. And angry Noah was bad.

"Noah is busy. If Lily that you mentioned was the psycho bitch who tried to drug and rape Noah and shot my master, well, let's just say my master isn't the one to forgive easily to anyone who dared cross her." Tenten scoffed and pulled her kimono from Father Ben's clutch. "If you want to know, just wait here for your friend, he'll be here soon." Tenten walked away from him, and he suddenly felt disappointed. He still wanted to talk to her… wait.

Father Ben shook his head to clear his mind. 

He never ever had this urge to talk to someone he didn't even know like this. True, she was a beauty, but he had his share of beautiful people. He didn't know why this one was different. Then he remembered that one of the women Lily brought was pouring something in his mouth, and it left a sickly sweet taste in his throat, making him want to puke his gut out. He quickly cast a healing array to nullify whatever it was that was being given to him, and he quickly did that to the others who were still unconscious. He suspected that something bad happened here, judging by the sprawl of the half naked people on the floor, and he realized that he, too, was topless.

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