I Got My Eyes On You!

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"How are things with Godt?" Krist breaks the ice with a question he has been wanting to ask Kimmon. He watches Kimmon pause in his breakfast and puts down his spoon. A frown breaks upon his face.

"We haven't been talking to each other... Since... That day," Kimmon admits guiltily. He has been meaning to have a talk with Godt, but Godt has been avoiding him like plague.

"You mean since you accidentally kissed and you ran away like a coward," Krist growls. "Not to mention, you left Godt moping around for days without an explanation. I would do the same if P'Sing did that to me."

Singto pats his husband's thigh to ease him down. He feels sorry for his brother getting the claws from a cute but hot-tempered cat. At the same time, he knows Kimmon is in the wrong this time.

"Phi... What does phi plan to do if Godt is ready for a talk?" Singto asks on behalf of Krist.

"I want to know his feelings. And, if he feels the same as I do," Kimmon answers with determination. "If he feels the same, I am ready to tell Father and Mother to break off the engagement with San."

"And P'Sandee is okay with this?" Krist asks again. He knows how sensitive Godt is to married men or being the third person.

"I had the talk with her. She is happy I found someone," Kimmon manages a smile.

Singto smiles and nods. He always knew Kimmon would find someone eventually. He remembers the first time they opened up about relationships. Kimmon was newly betrothed to Sandee but he never felt any excitement or happiness. Kimmon had more hopes to find love than he did. But he found his love first in Krist.

He squeezes Krist's thigh, feeling an aura of warm happiness surrounding his skin. Krist always gives him that feeling. Krist bites his lip and tries not to get distracted by Singto.

"First of all, Godt needs to know about the agreement between you and P'Sandee. I'm pretty sure that's the reason he didn't say anything and backed off," Krist advises sternly. "Godt never intended to have a relationship so you need to work harder. Good luck on that one."

"Never intended?" Kimmon repeats in confusion. He then recalls the number of times Godt avoided the question of dating or meeting new people. He was oblivious to that.

"Mmm..." Krist sighs with a sad expression. "It's not my story to tell. And I'm not on your side. But... If Godt feels the same way, I hope you can be his happiness."

Kimmon shoots Krist a grateful smile and picks up his spoon again.

"Just so you know, I will be keeping a close eye on you. If you ever make him cry," Krist imitates a knife-slicing sound with a finger on his neck to form a straight line.

Kimmon snorts amusedly in his usual way.

Godt is right. Krist is protective.






Godt groans as he pulls his bed covers away. A splitting migraine! He swallows his salvia and feels a lump forming at the back of his throat. That is not good...

He gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom. Taking a look in the mirror, his red eyes are rimmed with tear streaks. There is a dark bruise on his inner lip from the suppressed crying. His usual tidy hair is tangled and messy like Sirius Black.

Godt splashes cold water onto his face and hops in the shower, drenching his hair and body with freezing rain. He knocks around clumsily for the shampoo with his eyes closed before scrubbing his hair with shampoo that reminds him of Krist.

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