Chapter 3

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Reggie's POV

I sat in my English class, trying to keep up as the teacher and other students discuss the book we were reading, To Kill a Mockingbird. I have already read the book for fun a while back. I always loved to read and English as always been my favorite class, and my best, but this year I could tell I won't be enjoying it as much.

The teacher is worse than the teachers at my old school. She won't answer my questions about the book and won't give me the study guides. She says since I already read it I should know everything for the test.

As people spoke I wrote notes down, but I am missing every other sentence and the test is tommorow. I just hope that reading the book is enough to pass the test. I am already bad at math, I can't fail two of my classes or my dad will be twice as mad and beat me twice as hard.

I still have the book at my house. I'll read through some of it again and soak up as much of it as I can. We're aloud to use the book for the test so I'll have to anotate my book a bit as well.

Finally the bell rang and I grabbed my stuff and shoved it in my bag, ready to get out of this class. Next class I have is History, and I'm crossing my fingers that class goes better than this one.

"Reginald, will you come up here for a moment please." Miss Breon, the English teacher says. I sigh and walk up to her desk. "Here are some things you may want to look over for the test, if you have a book you can bring it to use on the test but I don't have one to give you. You really came at a bad time, coming right before a test is never ideal. I don't know why you weren't doing To Kill a Mockingbird at your old school but you should've been."

I don't understand why she was so mad my class wasn't reading the book at my old school. It's not like it's my fault, and my English teacher was saving it for the end of the year.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"Well don't be sorry just get caught up." She says. I take the paper and walk out of class. I look in the classroom next door and Luke is talking to the teacher about something.

I know he said to wait for him, but I think it would be better I try and keep away from him. I don't want to ruin his life all over again and make him move yet again, epically since he has friends here.

When he moved, I thought it was just because his mom got transferred to another hospital for work, but my dad said it was because of me. I don't know why I believe him, but I just do and I don't want to ruin his life again.

So, instead of waiting for him I decide to just try to find my class on my own. I walk down the hall. I think my class was on the next floor so I needed to find the stairs.

I look down at my map trying to understand it, but it just didn't make sense. Was I looking at as if I was in the map, how did I know which way was actually left and actually right? And why was L lower level and LL library? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

All of the sudden I feel someone tug my arm and pull me into the near by bathroom. I was shoved against the wall and my schedule and map were ripped from my hands.

"Told you we would finish this later." The kid from earlier says.

I stand with my back against the wall not really knowing what to do. I have to get to class. Should I just make a run for it? No, that always made things worse even if I did get away. If this didn't happen now, it will happen later. Sooner was better than later so I can just get it over with, and the longer I wait, the more it'll hurt anyways.

So, I let him punch me in the stomach and push me to the ground. I let him beat me up until he's done. He leaves the bathroom without saying a word and I get up and look in the mirror. I had a bruised cheek and another bloody nose.

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