Chapter 18

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Luke's POV

It's been about a week and anytime I try to mention Reggie's dad he completely changes the subject or ignores me completely. I couldn't help Liam and now I can't help him when it's a situation where I should be able to do something.

I am too afraid to talk to an adult because I've been here before, adults don't believe it unless it's coming from the kid who's actually being harmed. I could say I witnessed his dad beating him myself but it wouldn't mean anything unless Reggie says it's true.

Adults suck. They really do. They never believe what you say and they think that they always have it right just because they're older. If you try to make a point about how insane that is, you're being disrespectful.

And adults like Reggie's dad are the worst. Adults that hurt their own kids for lord knows why and manipulate their child into thinking that they can't go to anyone for help. I can't wait until I turn eighteen because the moment my mom or any other adult pulls out the "I'm and adult" card I'll pull it right back out at them.

It's only about a week and a half until Christmas meaning winter break is coming up. Meaning two weeks of at home time and my plan was to get Reggie to spend as much time of it away from home as possible. He may not want my help but I'm not just gonna sit around all winter break knowing that he's not safe at home.

Me, Reggie, and Alex are hanging out at the studio. We don't have band practice or anything, we were just bored. I am lying on the couch Reggie's sitting upside down on a chair and Alex is sitting on another chair.

"You know... I've been thinking..." Reggie says.

"Oh boy." Alex sighs but a smile comes across my face. His thinking face is kinda cute- okay it's really cute. He also always says the most thought provoking things like the other day he asked if you drop a bar of soap on the floor if the soap was dirty or the floor was clean. I've never thought so long and hard about a question in my life. I say the floor is clean. Soap can't even be dirty, can it?

"What is it?" I ask.

"So Mr. Harmen was telling us we all have a skeleton inside of us." Reggie says. "And our brain is inside our skull...therefore being in our skeleton."

"Just get to the point." Alex sighs.

"Well...if we are our brain....there isn't a skeleton inside of us-"

"Don't say it." Alex says.

"We are inside the skeleton." He says anyway and my mind explodes. That is so weird to think about, how does he even come up with these?

"Great. Now I'll be thinking about that all day." Alex says sarcastically. "Thanks Reg."

"Oh yeah sure no problem." Reggie smiles.

"I wasn't...I was being...okay." Alex says bailing on both the sentences he began.

"Man that's crazy." I say. "How do you think of these things."

"It's probably all the blood rushing to his brain from hanging upside down." Alex says. "By the way you've been sitting like that for a while, maybe you wanna sit up now so your brain doesn't explode from the surplus amount of blood."

"That can happen?" Reggie asks.

"No." I say. "Can it?" I turn to Alex.

"No worse actually." Alex says. "It will cause seizures and death."

"Yeah right." I say.

"You are both morons." Alex says. "Yes it will."

"Okay, fine whatever you say bossy pants ." Reggie says, skidding off the chair. Now his back was on the ground and his feet were propped against the chair.

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