Chapter 10

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Reggie's POV

Me and Luke stayed up in the old tree house for a few hours and just talked. We could always talk for hours about anything , and I can only do it with him. Anyone else I would get board, but it's never a dull moment with Luke.

We lay on the ground on our back staring up at the colorful leaves that shielded is from the rest of the world, still talking.

"Hey, we should probably go get a bite to eat some where." Luke says sitting up. It was getting to be around noon and neither of us had breakfast, not that I ever really eat breakfast anyway. "There's a street dog place around the corner."

"Oh, yeah but I don't have any money." I say.

"Oh don't worry about that." Luke says. "I know the owners. I'm a regular there."

"But-" I begin to protest.

"It's fine, literally they always give me free sreetdogs epically when I bring a new friend."

"Okay." I say. We head out of the tree house and Luke leads the way. 

Luke's POV

We walk up to the stand and Sam, the owner, gives us a big smile. "Well if it isn't our favorite customer." He smiles. "I see you've brought a new friend."

"This is Reggie." I say. "Reggie, this is Sam. He and his wife Ella run the stand."

"Nice to meet you." He smiles and waves.

Oh so this is the famous Reggie you are always talking about." Sam says with a chuckle. I feel my face flush red and Reggie's cheeks also grow pink."Nice to meet you." Sam says. "Ella, two of our best dogs on the house for Luke and his friend!" Ella nods and puts two hotdogs on the grill.

Sam turns back to me and Reggie. "You know, when we first met Luke, he was ten years old. It was the first day he moved here and he was pretty upset."

"He doesn't..." I interrupt, blushing even more now. "He doesn't need to hear the story." It's honestly kinda embarrassing.

"Oh nonsense, it's a good story." Sam says. I sigh and as Sam tells the story, I relive the memory myself.

Flashback 1989

It was our first official day here, and I had to go to school. It was the worst day ever. I got so lost, I has no friends and no one would help me. Jason beat me up at recess and I missed Reggie more than anything.  Me and my parents got in a fight because I was mad at them more making me move here. I ran out of the house and just ran until my legs were to tired to go on.

I sat down on a rock, just letting myself sob. It was the worst day I've ever had, next to the day I said goodbye to my best friend.

"You alright kid?" A man asked me, kneeling down in front of me. It was Sam, this is how we meet.

"Not really." I sniffled. "I hate it here, I just want to go home. I miss my friend, and I just hate it so much here."

"Are you hungry?" He asked. I nodded by head and he took me to his hotdog stand and gave me one for free.

We sat on the park bench and I told him everything. About how I moved away, about my horrible fist day, about my fight with my parents, and about how much I missed Reggie.

"He was my best friend and I'll never see him again." I cried. "And I'm worried about him...we only had each other and I just don't want him to be alone. I mean...he has his sister but still."

"Luke, I truly believe that you will see your friend again." Sam told me. "Life has a way of putting two people together and keeping them together."

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