Chapter 37

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Luke's POV

Tonight's the night, we're gonna do it. We're gonna play the Orpheum and become famous. We have been practicing non stop this week and most nights me, a Reggie, and Alex stayed the night at the studio and Steve joined us once or twice. Reggie's dad Don ended up coming back according to Steve but him and Sheryl barely shared any words.

"So, tonight's the night." Reggie says. Right now it's only me an him at the studio. Bobby's in the house and Alex went to go meet his sister to give her a ticket to our show.

"Yep." Luke says. "You excited."

"Yeah I guess." He shrugs.

"That doesn't sound too reassuring, what's up?" I ask.

"Okay well, it's just...well Bobby's whole family is coming for him, Alex's little sister is coming, and then Steve and Sheryl for me." He says. "I just feel bad that none of your family is gonna be there for you."

"I got my family." I say. "They'll be right up there playing in that stage with me."

"Okay but what about your parents?"

"What about them?"

"Maybe you could invite them?" He says. "I mean obviously you don't have to or anything I just thought it's worth a try? At the very least your dad would come, he was always supportive."

"I'm just not ready to go anywhere near that house again." I say. "But thanks."

Bobby comes into the studio. "You two." He sighs. "You're still here."

"Well yeah, we're playing the Orpheum tonight so we were all gonna meet here early this morning." I say. "And we stayed the night, you know this."

"Why don't you just go home?" He asks. "Oh that's right, you ran away from your problems. You know, I wouldn't want you either, maybe it is best you never go back there again Luke."

Reggie stands up from the couch in a huff of anger and I stand up and put a hand on his back. "Hey, don't worry about it, who cares what he has to say." I tell him, but truth be told his words hurt. He was the first friend I made at this new school and was my only friend until I met Alex a year later. He was one of my best friends, I don't understand why he's been being so mean lately.

"I thought you were supposed to be our friend." Reggie says to Bobby. "Why are you always so mean to Luke?"

"I was just being honest." Bobby shrugs. "So Luke, anyone coming to support you in your big night?"

"That's not fair you, you know- "

"I got all the family I'll need in stage with me." I say. "The question is, are you a part of it, our are you just the rhythm guitarist? Come on Reg, let's go find Alex." I say. We walk out of the studio doors leaving Bobby in there.

Reggie's POV

I wasn't being completely honest with Luke. Yeah I feel bad that no one is coming to see him play, but that's not all of what's on my mind. I didn't want to tell him because I don't want to think I'm dumb or childish. I just wish my mom and sister could be there.

Part of me feels guilty for living with this new family while they're just gone. They were my family and now all of the sudden I'm getting adopted and I feel like I'd be ...I don't know....betraying my mom and Hadley. I know it's so stupid and dumb to think.

Bobby was being an absolute jerk so me and Luke left to look for Alex. As we walk I can't help but feel as if we are being followed or that someone is watching me, but every time I look behind me there's no one.

"You alright?" Luke asks after I keep looking back.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay." I say. "I just feel like some one is following us."

Luke looks behind us and sure enough there is no one there. Not even a near by tree to hide behind.

"I'm sure it's just in your head." Luke says. We turn back around to continue walking and I freeze in my tracks. Standing a few feet in front of us, looking right at me is Hadley. But...but she's dead. I blink a few times and she's gone. I had to have been seeing things right? There's no way she was really there.


"Yeah, yeah let's go." I say and I shake it off as nothing. It's nothing, it has to be. I mean how could she be there at all let alone there one second and gone the next? It's not like she's a ghost or anything, ghosts aren't real.

We continue walking around without any idea really where to look for Alex. We really just wanted to get away from Bobby. Eventually we cross paths with Alex and we head back to the studio.

When we walk in it's empty, meaning Bobby snuck off somewhere. Where is he always going off to so often?

Bobby's POV

After Luke and Reggie left I left to go talk to Rose.
I knock on her front door and she answers with a sigh. "What do you want Trevor?"

"Well first off I told you to call me Bobby. For now at least. I'll go back to Trevor soon enough. Can I come in?"

She sighs and opens the door letting me in. "I heard about your big night." She said. "Good luck."

"Thanks but there won't be a need." I say.

"I'm working there tonight." Rose says. "So if you even try anything-"

"Relax. Why would I try anything?" I say.

"I know you and I know you're up to something." Rose says. "If you hurt and if those three boys-"

"What?" I ask. "What are you gonna do? You don't even know I'm doing anything."

"Don't test my limits." Rose says. "Julie may not be around for her kid anymore but she was there for mine when I couldn't so I'm going to do the same for her."

"Seriously?" I ask. "Alright well I gotta get back. I guess I'll see you later tonight."

I head back to the studio and Luke, Alex, and Reggie are there.

"We should probably get going." I say. "We gotta be there early for the sound check and plus it's better to be early than late." We load our equipment into the van and load up. Luke was bouncing with excitement, Reggie smiling at him. Alex shifted on his seat, he's anxious for tonight.

Well, lucky for him he won't be performing anyways. Tonight's the night Hollywood loses three up coming stars, a tragedy for the headlines.

So I started watching this show called Mr. Student Body President (Jeremy is in it) and one of the main characters who is friends with Jeremy's character, Tyler, is named
Hadley. I just think it's a cool coincidence that I named Reggie's sister Hadley for the pure reason that it just sounded right and another on of Jeremy's characters was friends with a Hadley. Anyways I 10/10 recommend the show because not only does it star Jeremy but it's just a really good show. You can watch full episodes on YouTube but sadly the last five episodes aren't there and I can't find them and it's frustrating but you can also buy them I think and each episode is like 90 cents. There's 4 seasons of 10 episodes and some episodes are pretty short so it's beings worthy. Would have finished it within 24 hours if the last 5 episodes were available. Anyways sorry for the long end note and my rant about mr student body president , hope you all have an amazing day and until next time :)

-and no just because they're almost dead does not mean it's almost the end. I will go into stuff when they meet Julie and even stuff after the show. I probably will keep it all in one place or if you all think I should make it a separate book? I don't know what I'll do yet let me know what you would prefer. Okay bye :) 🤍

(Episode one of Mr Student Body President)

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