Chapter 6.2

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Luke's POV

"I'm gonna miss you." I cry as I hug my best friend, Reggie, goodbye. I was moving away, far away. I'll probably never see him again.

He says whipping his tears. "I'm really gonna miss you too."

"Oh, here I have something for you." I say, pulling the a flooded piece of paper. I hand him the piece of paper. "I wrote you a song. It's called I'll Always Remember You."

"Luke didn't have to-"

"Yeah, but you're my best friend and I wanted to." I say with a smile. "Goodbyes suck, so let's just say see you later."

"But we won't." Reggie says. "We'll never see each other again."

"We might." I say. "Someday."

"Alright." He nods. "See you someday."

"See you someday." I say. I turn around to go to the car to head to our new house. I still can't believe my mom got transferred to another hospital, it's not fair.

"Luke, wait!" Reggie says. I turn around and am immediately greeted by another tight hug. "Promise me you'll make new friends. Don't hold back for me."

"Only if you promise to do the same." I say.

"Luke, you know no one wants to be my friend."

"That's not true. I did." I say. "You'll find someone, how could someone as rad as you not?"

He smiles. "Thanks." He says.

"Yeah." I say. I turn back around and climb into the car, closing the door. I look out the window and wave goodbye to my best friend as we drive further and further away. He waves back and a tear escapes my eye. I know I'll never see him again, but I'll never forget him, ever.

After we've been driving a few miles, my mom announces that she's pregnant.

"I'm gonna be a big brother!" I exclaim cheerfully. I've always wanted a sibling, and now I have one. I'm going to be the best big brother ever. 

End of Flashback

Liam was the best little brother I could ask for, and now he was gone because the doctors didn't know what they were doing. I was angry at them. I was angry at my parents for not moving him to a better hospital.

My mom always says he's in a better place, but I don't believe it.

My mom and dad also pretend like he never existed, but he did. They never talk about him, they don't even seem like they miss him.

I sigh and stop thinking about it. I look next to me and Reggie is staring down at his necklace. He hasn't said anything all day practically and he looked deep in thought.

"You alright Reg?" I ask. He looks up and looks from me to Bobby to Alex, and back to me.

He rubs his eyes and says "Yeah, I'm alright. Just thinking." I know that look though, I was just wearing that look. He wasn't just thinking about anything, he was thinking about something the way I was thinking about something. He was deep in thought, like he was reliving a memory.

"Alright, well my mom made me an extra sandwich, do you want it?" I ask. My mom didn't make me an extra sandwich, I packed two just in case he didn't have a lunch like yesterday. I just hope he takes it, I'm a little worried about him. He doesn't seem to eat much.

He hesitates for a moment, but then he says "Yeah, thanks."

After lunch me and Bobby head to our science class while Alex and Reggie head to theirs.

Hey guys sorry this part is a bit shorter. I just wanted to explain something real quick here, last part I said Reggie's half sister, Hadely's mom's name was Rose.

Yes that was supposed to be Rose, Julie's mom. But then I realized she was the same age as the boys (or about)

So I'm changing it. Sorry of that bothers you. So when they meet her at the Orphum, she's aged up to be whatever age (I think 31) and they don't do the thing where they hit on her and she has Julie at age like 44 or something I know it's unrealistic but like it's the best I could do with how I want to take the plot.

Also next part, still part of chapter 6, will be in Julie's POV but not Julie from the show. It'll all come into place later.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading! I hope you all have a wonderful day! ❤️

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