Chapter 26

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Okay so I realized I kinda messed up and I made Luke's dad catch him at the club but for this to work with the show it can't be his dad so I changed it to his mom so if you read it before I changed it to his mom just pretend it was his mom. Okay enjoy the chapter 👻💜

Luke's POV

The drive home in my mom's car is silent. Not only did I sneak out, I snuck out to play a gig when I told my parents I quit the band. It probably wont help that it was at a club.

I just wish they believed in me. Even after my dad heard us play he still takes my moms side, saying it's too risky and I may not make enough money. I guess that's all they care about is money. I don't care about the money I just want to make a difference to people no matter how small the difference is or how small the audience. And my mom, she never even gave me a chance.

She pulls into the driveway and we get out of the car.

"Look I'm sorry I lied about the band and I'm sorry for sneaking out but why can't you understand that music is what I want to do?" I say.

"We'll talk about this when your father gets home." She says.

"No, I wanna know now." I say. "It's not even fair you never even gave the band a chance and when you finally hear us play you still don't believe in me."

"You told me you quit." She says walking towards the house.

"I had to, you would have made me quit." I say. "Mom, this is what I want to do." I say following her in the house.

"Yeah and I wanna be a millionaire but we do at always get what we want Lucas."

"Is it really that hard to believe I could achieve my dream!?" I ask.

"Oh you are just like your brother." She sighs.

"What do you mean Liam didn't even get to live a life long enough to find his dream!" I say. "And you never talk about him so why do you all of the sudden get to mention him now!?"

"I'm talking about your older brother."

"I don't have an older brother."

"Actually you do- or did." She says. "Just like you he was into music and just like you he thought he could be a musician. When I told him he wasn't allowed to be in a band, he ran away and we never heard from him again. You were only three when it happened which is why you don't remember."

"So not only are you pretending that Liam never existed, you're pretending like my other brother doesn't exist!?" I shout.

"We don't even know if he's alive!" My mom shouts. "Which is exactly why we never told you about him and luckily you forgot. But I won't let you be like him!"

"Like what, someone who actually chases their dreams!?" I ask. "You know what, I don't even need you to believe in me because I have the band and they are the only family I need!" I shout. I storm into my room and start shoving things into my bag. Clothes, my journal, and anything else lying around that I might need because I'm not coming back.

"Luke what are you doing?" My mom asks coming into my room. I push past her and she follows me shouting at me.

"So you're just gonna leave like your brother!?" She yells. "Good luck on your own! You won't make it far chasing some stupid dream!"

"It's not stupid!" I shout shoving my blue sleeveless zip up in my bag. "I'll prove it to you!" I grabs my guitar and and my bag and put them on my back.

"Lucas if you walk out of this door you can never come back here again!" She yells.

"Fine I won't!" I say running out the door. I hope on my bike and pedal down the driver. My mother chase after me calling after me saying she didn't mean it, begging me to stay, but ignore her. I know very well she meant it.

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