Chapter 22

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Tw: homophobia/homophobic parents

Luke's POV

We are trying to practice for a gig we have next week but Bobby and Alex started arguing again. It's like all they do is argue.

"No we're not adding that song to the set list!" Bobby says. "It's terrible!"

"Well I wasn't just asking you I was asking the whole band." Alex says. "Me, Luke, and Reggie all think we should add it!"

"Well why don't you three just form your own d*mn band!" Bobby yells.

"Guys just stop arguing." I say.

"Shut up Luke." Bobby says. "You seem to think that form some reason your the leader of this band. Who ever said you get to be in charge anyway!? And why do you get to be the lead singer, you sound like if Oscar the Grouch had a soar throat!"

"He's the best singer in the band." Reggie says. "You even said he should be the lead singer when we formed the band."

"No one asked you Reginald!" Bobby snaps. He turns back to Alex. "We're not adding the song."

"Alright fine. Forget I said anything." Alex says. "Sorry."

Even though Alex and just ended the fight, there is still tension in the air.

"Alright so why are we standing here?" Bobby asks. "Let's practice."

"Actually I have to get home now." Reggie says putting his bass on the stand. "Sorry. You guys just practice without me."

"Why are you always leaving so early!?"  Bobby asks. "It was your stupid idea to create this dumb band in the first place and you're never even here."

Reggie opens his mouth like he was about to say something but Alex cuts in before he or I could speak.

"What's your problem Bobby!?" He says. "You've been kinda a jerk lately."

"Oh and like you haven't been acting different?" Bobby says. "You're always acting like you have some kind of secret."

"Maybe because I don't trust you enough to tell you about my personal life!" Alex says.

"Alright, maybe we should take five." I say. This is getting pretty heated. "I think we all just need a minute to calm down."

"Oh you calm down Luke!" Bobby says. "Are you sure you should even be here? Wouldn't want your mom to find out you're still chasing a stupid dream."

"It's not stupid!" I say, not meaning to shout. "And you are wanting to be a musician too so why's it stupid that I want to?"

"Because your songs suck." Bobby says flatly. "They are meaningless and lack emotion." I'm not gonna lie, that kinda hurt. I try my hardest to make my songs have meaning and emotion so that the audience can connect with the lyrics.

"Shut up, what are you even talking about Luke writes the best songs." Reggie says. "You haven't even written any songs, none that you've showed us anyway. Luke's songs are amazing, he's the best song writer probably in the whole world"

I smile a bit that he thought that about me and my songs. He's never not believed in me. As much as Bobby's words hurt, Reggie's words made it better. He never fails to make me feel better, whether he tries or not. Sometimes all it takes his seeing him smile to light up my whole day.

"And what would you even know about music writing your songs suck too." Bobby says.

"Why are you being such a jerk?" Alex asks. "You know what, I don't have time for this. I'm leaving."

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