Chapter 6.1

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Reggie's POV

I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge and got out the jelly. I got the peanut butter from the pantry. I thought I wouldn't get caught trying to make a sandwich since my dad was too busy shouting at my mom for who knows what.

I got out four slices of bread to make two sandwiches. One for me, and one for Hadely, my half sister.

Not only did my dad knock up my mom when she was sixteen, but he also knocked up Hadley's mom when she was fourteen. Hadley's mom abandoned her and so my mom took her in to raise her, knowing dad would just leave her for dead.

Hadley was the same age as me, meaning my dad cheated on our moms. Not that Hadley's biological mom is much of a mom. I guess I can't blame her. She was probably scared to be a teen mom especially at fourteen, but she was the reason Hadley has to deal with our dad. My mom said we don't know her story, and maybe this is what she had to do, but I can't see past the fact that she just abandoned her daughter.

I opened the peanut butter to begin to spread some across the bread when my dad stormed into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" He shouted.

"I-I I'm just making sandwiches for me and Hadely." I said. "We're hungry, we haven't eaten since yesterday morning." I said. I look out the window at the setting sun as my stomach grumbled.

"Go to your room!" He shouted. "NOW!" He grabbed my arm and dragged me to my room, shoving me in and slamming the door, locking it behind him.

When he walked back out to the kitchen, I heard him and my mom start agruing.

"Just let him and Hadley eat!" My mom yelled. "You can't keep starving our children!"

"Hadely isn't even yours!" My dad yelled. "And none of them are mine, you and Rose should have got an abortion!"

"You know that if Rose got an abortion there'd be no way she could have gotten back in with her faimly!" My mom said. Rose was Hadely biological mom, the one who abandoned her. "And I don't regret keeping Reggie!"

"Oh yeah well when are you gonna tell him that he was a mistake and you didn't want a kid in the first place!?"

"I was sixteen, of course I didn't want a baby! But you f*cked me up and I got pregnant. And as much as I hate you for it, Reggie's the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I wouldn't go back and change that from happening." It stung a little to hear she didn't want me, but I understood. She was only a teenager. It's not that she doesn't want me, it that she didn't want me at sixteen.

"Sure, if that worthless piece of sh*t is the best thing that's happened to you, then not much had happened to you."

"Screw you Mathew!" She said. "You just can't accept that you'll never be as good of a father as your dad and you take it out on our kids! We'll I'll tell you this, you'll never be like your father because he's way better than you'll ever be!" Then I heard the sound of him slapping her, making me flinch. I heard more ruckus and I knew he was hurting her like he hurts me and Hadley.

I wanted to do something to help, but I couldn't. I was helpless. My dad was right, I am worthless and good for nothing.

I just can't take the noise and the shouting anymore. I went to my closet and Hadely was curled up in the corner having another anxiety attack. They were happening more and more often, just like my parents shouting at each other.

I rushed over to her and held her in my arms.

"It's alright Hadley, breathe." I said rubbing her back. "Breathe, it's okay, you're okay, I got you. I'm here."

She cried into my shoulder, shaking.

"It's okay." I said. "It's gonna be alright." After I helped calm her down she pulled away from me and she tucked her curly brown hair behind her ear and whipped her tears.

"Thank you." She said. "For always being here for me, I don't deserve such an amazing brother like you."

"Oh, I'm not amazing, you're amazing." I said. "I'm sorry Mission PP&J was a bust, I should've-"

"It's okay, I'm glad you aren't hurt." She said. "Don't blame yourself, please."

Before I could respond, there was a gentle knock on the bedroom and it clicked open.

Mom walked in with two plates of PP&J and some apple slices and a warm smile.

"Hey kiddos." She said handing us the plates. She hid behind her smile so we wouldn't worry, but I already knew Dad hurt her. She had a bruise on her cheek and dried blood on her lip.

"Thanks Mom." Hadley said.

"Thank you." I said.

"You're welcome my sweet babies." She said kissing each of us on the forehead. "Always remember I love you."

"We love you too." I said and I wrap my arms around her to give her a hug, hoping it will help make her feel better, and she hugged me back.

"Thank you baby." She said. "I needed a hug from my sweet boy." She ruffled my hair and I smile knowing that I made her feel at least a little better
She always makes me feel better and I wanted to do the same for her. She was the best mom in the world after all. "I have something for you both." She smiled.

"But Mom, it's not even any of our birthdays." Hadley says. "You didn't have to get us anything."

"Oh but when I saw these, I couldn't resist." She smiles. She pulls a black box out of her pocket and opens it up. Inside were two matching necklaces with black beads on them.

(A/n yes it's the necklace he wears in the show)

"Wow these are so cool!" Hadely says taking one out and looking at it. I take the other one out and look at it, it was just like the one she always wore. I looked and there it was, hanging from her neck.

"It's just like yours." I smile.

"Yeah, so we can always be together." She says. "Hey, you two promise me you'll always stick together."

"Yeah we promise." Hadley says.

We link our pinkies with her and a tear escapes her eye. She quickly whips it away.

"I love you both so so much." She says. Something was wrong, I could sense it. Why didn't I say anything? "I promise I will always love you and protect you as much as I can. Give mommy one for hug?" She says.

Me and Hadely lean in for a group hug and she hold us tight, kissing our cheeks. "Goodnight sweeties." She says. "I love you both with all my heart, never forget that."

"See you in the morning." Hadely says bitting into an apple slice.

My mom's smile faded and she didn't respond. "I love you." She says again, and walks out of the room. She always said see you in the morning, so why didn't she tonight? It's because she wouldn't see us the next morning.

Me and Hadley sit in the closet eating our late dinner, if you could call this dinner. We were still thankful for it no matter what.

End of flashback

And when we woke up that morning, Mom was gone. She left us. Were we not enough for her? Or was she trying to tell us something that night?

It doesn't matter now. She's gone, and so is Hadley. I look down at my necklace and hold it between my fingers. I missed both of them so much, but I wasn't worth my mom's love and I couldn't save Hadely. They were gone and it was my fault. I can't have people who care about me because it always ends poorly.

"You alright Reg?" Luke asks breaking my thoughts. We were sitting at the lunch table and he, Alex, and Bobby were looking at me with concern. Oh no, I wasn't crying was I!?

I whip my eyes and was relieved to feel no tears.

"Yeah, I'm alright." I say. "Just thinking."

"Alright, well my mom made me an extra sandwich, do you want it?" Luke asks.

I hesitate for a moment, but then my stomach grumbles and I accept. "Yeah, thanks." I say.

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