Chapter 17

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Luke's POV

There was a knock on my bedroom door and whoever was on the other side tried to open it, but since it's locked they had no success. They knock again and I hear my dad's voice.

"Luke, it's me. Can you let me in please?"

I sigh and I get up and unlock my door and open my door. I go back to my bed and sit down the edge and my father come sits next to me. I avoid looking in his general direction. I don't really feel like talking to anyone, and I'm kinda regretting opening the door.

"Your mom told me about your fight." He says.

"Look if you're here to say the same things then don't waste your time. Just leave." I say.

"Luke, I know you love the band. And you guys are really good, you're amazing. But your mother's right, you're only fifteen and in a rock band. You should focus on school."

"I brought my grade in math up." I say. "I'm passing the class now, so why can't I be in a band with my friends if it hasn't caused my grades to go down?"

"Because your mother says so. You know how stubborn she is. Just give her this one. Wait until your older to be in a band, like after high school."

"No way!" I say. "I'm not just gonna quit the band. I love it... it's my whole life."

"I understand. I was even once in a band once when I was a teenager." He says.

"Y-you were?" I say in shock. It's hard to imagine my father being in a band. He's a quite dude, not the type you'd expect to be in a band.

"Yeah. I was the rhythm guitarist." My dad says. "Our lead singer was my best friend, Fuago. He was just like you, passionate about music. It was his dream to make it big."

"Wait so if you were in s band as a teenager, why can't I be?" I ask.

"Because Fuago is dead." My dad say. My jaw drops a little but then I close my mouth again. "At one of our gigs, a manger wanted to talk to him. Only him, not the rest of the band. So he left us."

"I'd never do that. Our band is like a family, we'll stick together." I say.

"I'm not done with the story." My dad says. "It turns out the manger wasn't really a manger at all. After Marco and him walked off, he killed Fuago."

I am speechless. I can't believe that happened. "That horrible." I say. "But just because it happens to your friend, doesn't mean it will happen to me."

"Luke, I know you want to be a musician. And maybe someday you will be." My dad says. "But for now, just be a student. Focus on school. That's all your mom wants."

"Fine." I say. "I'll quit the band."

I of course am lying. There's no way in a million years I'd quit. I'll stay in the band in secret. My parents will never even know. 

I lay back down on my bed and stare back up at the ceiling but this time my thoughts would not rest. I sit back up and put on some shoes, grab my jacket slide open my window. I hop out and run off into the night.

Reggie's POV

I get to my house and my dad's car was in the drive way. Great.

I walk up my drive way and I open the door and close it quietly. Hopefully he just hasn't noticed I was gone yet. Unfortunately, that not the case.

"Where we're you?" My father snaps. I look to my right and he is standing there as if he was there waiting for me the whole time.

"Just getting some fresh air." I say.

"Why aren't you're chores done?"

"I'll do them now." I say going over to the sink to wash the dishes.

"You're so useless." He says and goes upstairs, leaving me very thankful he wasn't angry enough to hit me.

I wash the dishes and leave them out to air dry while I sweep and take out the trash. I put away the dishes and whip down the table and counters. Once I'm finally down I go upstairs to my room and close the door. I lean against it and let out a tired sigh. Now I had to start on my homework. Fantastic.

I head over to my school bag when there's a tap on my window. I look over and see Luke peeking through. What is he doing here?

I go over to the window and slide it open. "What are you doing here?" I hiss as he climbs in.

"I...I don't know." Luke says. "I guess I just wanted to talk."

"You should go before my dad realizes you're here." I say. "I'm not exactly allowed to have friends over randomly, especially since I have homework."

" I guess I was just worried about you." Luke whispers.

"Why?" I ask. "I'm completely fine...y-you don't have to be worried."

"Okay, but I am." Luke says. "That night on Halloween-"

"I told you nothing happened." I interrupt not wanting to start this conversation.

"Yeah well I think that's a big lie." He says. "Reggie.... Does your dad hurt you?"

"W-what?" I ask in shock. How does he know, how could he know!? My heart starts to race....if he knows he will just try and help me and it'll make everything worse for not only me but for him. Besides I'm not worth his help, he has enough going on as it is with feeling guilty about Liam and fighting with his mom about the band. "H-How did....I mean why...w-why would you think that? he doesn't."

"'s okay I want to help." He says taking a step forward, reaching his arm out. I step away.

"Just stop trying to help!" I say. "You don't need to, nothing is wrong."

"Reggie, I saw the look in your eyes on Halloween when you heard his voice, you're afraid of him." Luke says.

"Just drop it." I say. "Please, just go."


"Just please leave I don't want to talk about it, there's nothing to talk about please just leave I have homework."

"Alright. I'm sorry." Luke says. "I'll see you tomorrow. But Reggie, I promise you that I'm here for you, okay?" I nod my head and he climbs back out the window.  I feel terrible for pushing him away, but I know it's for the better because if he tries to help he could end up getting hurt himself.

I lean against my door again and slide down to the floor as tears silently poured down my face. Luke probably won't stop trying, and I know he cares but I just wish he didn't. It would be a whole lot easier if he didn't care about me like everyone else.

Alex's POV

Christmas is coming and so is the new year. My goal is to finally come out to my parents before the new year. I know their views, but I'm just hoping they change for me. I'm tired of hiding who I am, and I want to tell them about Bobby. I want to tell them I'm in love with him and I want them to support me.

They're my parents, they'll always love me, right? It won't matter if I like guys or girls, they won't hate me will they?

That's my biggest fear, but my dad always taught me to face my fears.

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