Chapter 14

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Warning: this chapter contains self harm. I'll warn you again when it comes up at the end and if you want to, you can skip the rest of the chapter.

Alex's POV

It's the next day at school and I haven't seen Luke or Reggie. We normally all meet before first period but they were nowhere to be found.

"I bet they're off somewhere together like in a date." Bobby says.

"Even if they are somewhere together, they wouldn't be calling it a date." I say. 

"I guess we'll find out at band practice today." Bobby smirks. "And anyways, now that they're not here we have some time to ourselves."

He takes my hand and we head into the near by bathroom. We lock ourselves in a stall and begin making out. My heart fluttered as he kisses my neck. I'm in love with him, but I've never actually said the words I love you yet. I'm honestly a little scared, it's a huge step. What's worse is I can't even talk to my parents about relationship advice because they just don't understand. Not to mention I can't risk slipping up and then finding out it's a guy that I want to give my heart too.

And I can't ask my little sister either. Even though she found out I am gay last night (she supports me and promised to keep my secret), she's only eleven years old, not someone I can go to for relationship advice.

Bobby's lips were now pressing against mine and he gently bit my lip and I let his tongue slide in. His hand are on my hips and our chest are pressed up against each other. The only thought on my mind is how I would literally die for this boy. I've never been so in love in my life. I never let myself love because of what happened in my last relationship. No one knew about it because I wasn't out of the closet to anyone yet. He cheated on me, and broke my heart. I thought I'd never love again, but then I feel in love with Bobby.

The bell rang and me and Bobby pulled apart. Time to go to class. We leave the bathroom and head to our first period class.

Flashback 1992

I went to the to meet my boyfriend Henry. No one knew we were dating, not even Luke and Bobby. Only Henry knew I am gay and no one but me knew he was bi.

I head for the birch tree we always meet by. That day was the day I was going to tell him I loved him. I was so nervous. Butterflies swarmed in my stomach and I felt really queasy. I walk up to the tree and freeze when I see Henry making out with some random girl. My heart shattered into a million pieces and I felt like my whole world was crumbling to bits.

"Henry?" I said in shock. I was praying I just have mistaken him, that it was just someone who looked like Henry.

"Alex, I-" he started pulling his lips off the girl. It was him alright. He cheated on me. I gave him my heart and he threw it away. He didn't just throw it away, he stomped on it and crushed it.

"Forget it." I said turning away so fast I didn't even see his face in how he reacted. I quickly walked away, not even looking back. I kept my head down as hot streaks of tears poured down my face.

I got home and slammed the door. I ran upstairs to my room and sobbed into my pillow. This was officially the worst day of my life.

End of Flashback

I really just want to go for it and tell Bobby I love him, but I'm scared. I mean we've only been dating for a couple months. Maybe I should wait a little bit.

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