Chapter 29

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Reggie's POV

Alex and Bobby went off to their class and me and Luke head to math. I wonder if Bobby is actually sorry for the way he's been acting all year. He didn't seem to sorry whenever he did it so why is he all of the sudden sorry now.

I'd like to forgive him, but he's said so much to hurt Luke and he broke Alex's heart. He constantly reminded Luke that his mom didn't believe in him and always put him and his songs down. Is he really sorry for all that?

And does Alex really forgive him? Does he really want to even date Bobby? I mean maybe he does and it's not really any of my business anyways.

We walk into math class and sit down just has the bell rings. The teacher walks into the room to start class. He's nothing like the math teacher we had last year, Mr. Turner. Mr. Wilson doesn't even answer questions or anything, but it's just math and it's useless anyways.

I look over at Luke and he's nervously tapping his pencil on the desk staring out the window.

"Hey, you okay?" I whisper.

"Huh? Oh yeah." He says turning his head and looking at me with a smile. "I'm good."

Luke's POV

Me and Reg were sitting in math class and I would rather be anywhere but here. Mr. Wilson sucks, math sucks, and I'm worried about Alex. Not to mention ever since I've found out I have an older brother I've been trying to remember him.

I can't believe my parents never told me about him. I feel even worse that I don't even remember him.

I wish I had a time machine so I could go back and maybe remember him. I'd also go back and cha he how I left things back home. I regret running out like that, but it's too late to go back now. She doesn't even want me back. I mean, after my older brother ran out she pretended like he didn't even exist, and I'm sure she's doing the same with me.

As Mr.Wilson continues to talk all I can think about is how I don't want to be here and how I've messed everything up. All I can hear is his talking as an echoed whisper and the scratching of pencils quickly moving across the paper.

It's like I'm drowning in all the noise surrounded by my thoughts. 

"Hey you okay?" Reggie whispers to me.

I look his direction. "Huh? Oh, yeah." I say. A give him a smile to convince him. "I'm good."

"Boys stop talking." Mr. Wilson says.

I raise my hand.

"Haven't you interrupted my class enough?" He asks. "What do you want?"

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I ask. I didn't want to spend another minute in this room.

"No." He says. He turns to the board to continue teaching but I just stand up and everyone is now looking at me but I could care less what they think.

"Well I don't care, I'm not staying here and listen to you teach sh*t we're not gonna use ever again." I say and head towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Mr. Wilson asks. "You walk outta here and I'll call your parents."

"Do it. I dare you." I say and with that I walk out the door. I could care less if he calls my parents, what are they gonna do? They're probably to busy pretending I never existed.

I go into the bathroom and lock myself in a stall. I haven't felt this overwhelmed in a while, but here I am again.

Maybe everyone's right, maybe this is just some stupid dream of mine. Mom was right, it's just ruining my life.

I can't be a musician, I can't even help my friends. I can't help Alex, I didn't realize he's been living in the studio and now I can't help him with Bobby. I know he doesn't want to date Bobby I just can't imagine why he would. And I couldn't even help Liam or remember my older brother.

I sink down to the ground and sit there hugging my knees close to my chest.

I loose track of time and eventually I hear the bell rang and I'm still sitting in the bathroom. I know I should probably get to my next class but I can't bring myself to pull myself off the ground.

A few short minutes later there's a knock on the stall door and I recognize the black converse in the other side of the door.

"Luke?" Reggie says.

"You should get to class." I say.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm just uh... being a delinquent." I say. "Skipping class and uh....doing drugs." I lie whipping tears from my face.

"Well...I brought your stuff." He says. I watch from the space between the floor and the stall door as he sits in the ground by the stall. "And I'm not leaving you here to be a delinquent by yourself."

"Reg, please go to class." I say. I don't want him to worry about me when I'm nothing to worry about anyways. Besides, I'll probably just end up letting him down like I do everyone else.

"Why would you expect me to leave you when you've never left me?" He says. "If we were on opposite sides of this door you know you wouldn't leave me here, and I'm not gonna leave you. So...what's wrong?"

I reach up and unlock the door to let him in. He scotches in next to me and I close the door and lock it again.

"What's wrong?" He asks again.

"Everything." I sigh. "I'm worried about Alex, I feel like I can't help him, I couldn't help my brother, I can't even remember my other brother, and I just left everything, left my parents for some stupid dream." My face was wet with tears and I burried it in my arms. "I'm a terrible friend, and terrible brother, and a terrible son."

Reggie wrapped his arms around me and begins to rub my back. "You're far from it." He says. "All you've ever done is help me, help Alex, help the band. It's not your fault you don't remember your older brother, you were only three years old. And I'm one hundred percent positive that you were the best big brother Liam could ask for. And your parents didn't believe in you, but I do. You're an amazing friend, a great brother, and a perfect boyfriend."

"I just wish I could take it all back." I say. "But it's too late, she hates me now."

"I'm sure she doesn't." Reggie says. "And...if you want to go back home I'll go with you. You don't have to be alone."

"Thanks Reg, but she doesn't want to see me. I'm sure if it." I say, pulling away. "You should get to class though. I don't want you to get in trouble because of me."

"I'd get in trouble for you a million times just to make sure you're okay." Reggie says.

"How'd I get so lucky to have you?" I ask.

"I'm the lucky one." Reggie says.

He leans is back against the wall next to me and I rest my head on his shoulder, and we sit there in the peace and quiet.

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